Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Jinxiàn - [Full Interior]

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Level 48 : Master Whale
Jinxiàn, a picturesque medieval province in Japan, captivates with its impressive backdrop of high, pointed mountains and expansive fields. The landscape reflects the rugged beauty of this era, characterized by the presence of the majestic Imperial Castle.

The towering, pointed mountains that surround the region serve as a natural barrier, lending Jinxiàn a sense of seclusion and defensibility. The majestic mountain peaks reach towards the sky, offering a breathtaking sight. During this time, the mountains served not only as natural beauty but also as crucial landmarks for travelers and trade caravans.

The Imperial Castle of Jinxiàn, situated at the heart of the province, stands proudly over the surroundings. This imposing structure served not only as the Emperor's residence but also as a trade center and a fortress for defending the province. The massive walls, towers, and moats of the castle attest to the strategic importance and power of the Emperor during this period.

The extensive fields of Jinxiàn held great agricultural significance during this medieval era. The inhabitants cultivated grains, vegetables, and other foodstuffs that contributed to the sustenance of the population and supported the castle. These fields formed the cornerstone of the regional economy and contributed to self-sufficiency.


The castle and the surrounding houses are furnished typical of the era.

Included are rooms such as: kitchens, warehouses, theaters, bathrooms, dormitories, training halls, dungeons, armor depots, defenses, gardens, Zen gardens, tea houses and many more...


Worldspawn: -332 / 41 / -352
Mapversion; 1.20.1


If you have any questions just ask!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Nikooo- 12/29/2023 12:39:34 pmDec 29th, 2023

-updated the Staircase in the main hall

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07/30/2024 5:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Why does it have a Chinese name if it's Japanese? it's pretty amazing though, the name put me off though
