Minecraft Maps / Minecart

Kelbjörn : The Dragons City (Nordic city + Nordic Megabuild)

  • 20,509 views, 9 today
  • 5,868 downloads, 2 today
  • 90
  • 48
  • 8
Level 70 : Legendary Architect


Hi everyone ,
This is our last project : Kelbjörn the dragon’s city. At the beginning this project was just a map for a tutorial for one of our video but we added more things during The Mineserv_Expo 2014 (a french event) during our three hours of live. To finish this project, Math003 and Speedrus, two members of our team, decided to invite all the french team that they knew to take part in the great adventure that the construction of this map was.

Even If the NewheavenMc team is the main initiator of this project , This village is the result of cooperation of many teams.

Better screen'll be upload during the next week ! :)

Therms of use

You can :
  • Play this map solo (singleplayer) or in a local server (using hamachi or whatever)
  • Make a video about the map (don't forget to credit us and link the original video in the description!)
You can't :
  • Upload this project or a modified version.
  • Upload this project on a public server.


  • LanguageCraft
  • Epicube Architects
  • CubX
  • CeltiCraft
  • UCanCraft
  • CastleFactory
  • OnlyWaves
  • CubesOfLegend
  • RamboSmile (DeepAcademy)
  • Exodia



Bonjour à tous,

voici notre tout dernier projet : Kelbjörn la cité des dragons ! A la base, cette cité et ce timelapse ne devaient pas exister. Nous avions juste créé l'auberge et le terrain pour l'épisode de notre série tutoriel. Puis nous avons agrandi cette ville lors de la Mineserv-Expo 2014 pendant nos trois heures de live. Pour terminer le projet, deux membres de l'équipe (Speedrus et Math003) ont décidé d'inviter toutes les équipes francophones lors de soirée de construction afin de resserrer les liens entres les différents groupes d'architectes sur Minecraft.

Je tiens à préciser que si NewHeavenMC est le principal créateur de Kelbjörn, ce village est le fruit de la coopération de nombreuses équipes ! :)

De meilleurs screens vont être uploadés la semaine prochaine ! :)

Condition d'utilisation

Vous pouvez :
  • Utilisez cette map en solo ou sur un serveur local de type "hamachi."
  • Faire une vidéo dessus (n'oubliez pas de mettre un lien vers la vidéo originale dans la description !)

Vous ne pouvez pas :
  • Re-uploader ce projet ou une version modifiée de ce projet.
  • L'uploader sur un serveur public.

  • LanguageCraft
  • Epicube Architects
  • CubX
  • CeltiCraft
  • UCanCraft
  • CastleFactory
  • OnlyWaves
  • CubesOfLegend
  • RamboSmile (DeepAcademy)
  • Exodia

Progress100% complete

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02/16/2015 7:41 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
This is amazing, very well done! Is it okay if I use some of your builds as guide lines for a town on a server? [Not a spawn, just a player town].
08/19/2014 2:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Très beau
Depraved Creeper
08/12/2014 11:50 am
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Really great creation! I love the silhouettes of the heads on the side.

The only problem is that I'm finding it difficult to see the main building in all of it's presumably glorious detail. I look forward to those new images.
08/10/2014 7:13 pm
Level 22 : Expert Fish
Amazing build! :D Sorry but I can't help to laugh a little bit, since 'Kelbkörn' sort of means 'Cuddlebear' in Icelandic <3
Wonderful build anyway :D
08/10/2014 12:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Engineer
nice project !

Work more on your image btw, they aren't good
08/10/2014 4:46 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
Thank you !
As we say in the descritpion
"Better screen'll be upload during the next week ! :)" ^^
08/10/2014 7:18 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
08/09/2014 9:14 pm
They/Them • Level 70 : Legendary Artist Senpai
Another fantastic and amazing project!

Diamond + Fav because this is freakin awesome! :D
