Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

League Of Legends Map - ARAM

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Level 19 : Journeyman Narwhal
So, after not knowing what to make anymore, i decided on making some maps from League of Legends. I originally started on the Summoners Rift, and am still yet to finish it (im only about 50% done with it) but then heard of ARAM. I searched up the map and thought that it looked like a nice easy map to make so i went off and made it.

It took about 2-3 hours terraforming and a further hour or two making the bridge, then another hour or so doing some last touch-ups.

By the way guys, I myself have only played 2 games of league, both of which were on Summoners Rift, so I have never even seen this map.

Additional Notes

This build was done on a server from HostLegend, make sure to check them out!!

If you want me to do some building for you, send me a PM and we can talk
Progress90% complete

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05/28/2014 6:13 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
Faster please!!!!! I am just waiting for you to upload it please just finish it and let us have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am using this to make videos plzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!
09/26/2013 12:37 pm
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
It looks really good, would you be interested in teaming with me to make this map a LAN arena? I can use the Hexxit pack to create classes for this map off of the real time League characters, and players can play on this map over LAN or a server as if they were the champions in league of legends, what do you think?
09/27/2013 4:33 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Narwhal
well currently I do lots with LockedCraft, and I have been thinking of having a proper custom coded plugin just for this, so sorry but no.
