Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Lodestone Citadel | Plot Build

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Level 45 : Master uwu
Hi again!

Been a little while but I wanted to try my hand at a build using a particularly challenging palette,
consisting of these blocks:
Palette blocks

I relied extremely heavily on the only grey block (that being the namesake of this build, lodestone).

Though I am inexperienced in the style, I chose a gothic aesthetic, taking heavy inspiration from several references both in real life, and gothic architecture reimagined in Minecraft.

I found early on, I was able to create a stained glass or mosaic effect in the windows, using the various blocks in this palette.

I'm actually super proud how this turned out, especially the renders :) (Still a beginner with Blender)

This was an entry for the 'Block Palette Challenge' contest held on the Shadow Kingdom creative server.

Thanks for viewing!
Progress100% complete

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08/19/2023 7:16 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
hey as a heads up it seems the schematic is corrupted so do you think you can reupload it or upload the world file as the sponges seem to be a problem.
08/20/2023 8:00 pm
Level 45 : Master uwu
I've added a world (1.18.2) download. Thanks for letting me know. :)
