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FlorentPlacide's Avatar FlorentPlacide
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
You'll find here the map I've been working on for several years now.

Texture pack : Faithful

[DL MAP] [DIRECTIONS] For the available save, if everything works well, you should be starting the game in the Map Room. Right in front of you there's a map of the region. You'll find the little green pointer in the middle of the buildings concentration. At your right, on the same wall there are zoomed out maps.

From where you are :

-> [OUTSIDE]Right behind you there's a monumental stair. Take it and follow it to go outside. If you take the right exit, at your left you could see the Curia and at your right the cathedral. From the center of the frontage of the Curia, right in front of you, you will be able to reach the complex of the mountain-which-did-not-exist.

-> [MAIN SPACE] If you follow the room by its right side and exit you'll arrive to a crossing. Go toward the room with red carpet a little below if you want to see the Library. If you exit the Library you can go right in front of you, walk between two close lines of columns. You'll be on an area with lines of chests on two sides. This is the main space of the mine. If you continue to progress in this hall you'll see several works. There's a clearly identifiable second part. This is the City, with housing, leisure and access to daylight through a glass dome.

-> [FORTRESS] Go to the right corner of the Map Room. On the right wall you'll see a set of maps of a different zone. This is the Fortress. It's a two-parts fortress with a little castle a the top of a stone peak and with a massive fortress with two lines of walls, underground passages from tower to tower through a central hall, and a high watchtower-dungeon crowned by a blaze which can be seen far. To go there follow the same way as for the main space until you're on a really fancy floor and on your left you'll see a nether portal. Take it. When you arrive take the stairs at your left and take the path straight away to another nether portal. Take it. You'll arrive in a tower. Exit. You're in a courtyard of the fortress. Go in the tower in front of you and if you turn left and take the strairs on your right you'll arrive to the a huge room, the Siege Room, with food storage and agriculture patches. If you turn right you'll get to the main hall of the fortress, with paths leading to all the towers, stairs to reach the upper level. At the south of the Fortress there is the Military Harbour, with basins , storage and another set of defensive buildings.

Anyway those are few indications to discover this project. You may not have the time nor the motivation to do it properly and it is not realy easy to describe directions. The best way to discover works from others is to go in it with them, or to see videos.

Thanks for reading this, it took some time and I regret that less people are using this website.
Progress25% complete

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10/12/2014 6:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
FallenArchangel's Avatar
Good Project !
01/18/2014 9:23 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
FakeMrNibbs's Avatar
very nice but you need to add more design to catch the eye
01/18/2014 9:22 pm
Level 28 : Expert Mage
Tooper_Man's Avatar
Pretty nice work there, although the outside is a little dull, but still, what matters is in the inside :D
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