Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Lycée Lakanal/Kadic Academy Replica (Code Lyoko)

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Bowseefuss101's Avatar Bowseefuss101
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
Hello all, this project has been really fun for me as a builder and a nostalgia addict. Some of you 2000's kids will remember a show that aired on Cartoon Network called Code Lyoko. It was a French cartoon that was set in France at this school. They based the school almost entirely off of reality and named it Kadic Academy. As is with my build, they cut the college prep buildings off of the school (makes it easier on me cause it's diagonal lol). My replica is about 80% Lycée Lakanal and 20% Kadic Academy. The library, wall and road leading down to the front gates, and the gates themselves in reality are at a diagonal angle but to simplify things for obvious reasons I made them at a right angle. The exteriors for the most part are complete and the only structure left I plan on completing is the wall around the schoolgrounds. I am not sure when I'll be able to finish the interiors if it's even possible without having the blueprints. I have pictures from google for reference and I've used them for a lot of the build which has been invaluable. But there are only so many pictures online of the nooks and crannies. One thing I am surely able to finish soon is the schoolground forest.

As I said before, my references for the build have been Code Lyoko's art as it is relatively accurate to real life exteriors and interiors, images from Facebook and other sites from Google Images, Google Maps Street View, and Google Earth for the general dimensions and structure. This project has been conducted off and on for the past 6 or so months.

From Wikipedia: "Lycée Lakanal is a public secondary school in Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine, France, in the Paris metropolitan area. It was named after Joseph Lakanal, a French politician, and an original member of the Institut de France. The school also offers a middle school and highly ranked "classes préparatoires" undergraduate training. Famous French scientists and writers have graduated from lycée Lakanal, such as Jean Giraudoux, Alain-Fournier and Frédéric Joliot-Curie. The school includes a science building, a large park, a track, and dormitories for the Pôle Espoir Rugby and the boarding students."
Progress75% complete

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12/09/2019 3:35 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
RMadril93's Avatar
Needs blueprint
