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Macro Keybind mod interface for WorldEdit/FAWE and VoxelSniper

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Infiniteam's Avatar Infiniteam
Level 45 : Master Artist
Hey everyone !

Here is a GUI for the Macro Keybind mod by Mumfrey, largely inspired from the one created by Hayanasa shown here.
When building using WorldEdit (or FAWE), we are bound to use many commands, up to several hundreds or even thousands, and this is a loss of time. Sometimes we have complex brushes, with complex masks, we have to modify them, and maybe keep them for later.
The purpose of this interface is to simplify some of this process, and to make some useful commands always within reach.

How to use it:
This interface is separated in several parts. The first one is the "main" part, which is the one you access when you press the key you registered to open the interface, and which contains most of the world editing commands.

Then there are three pages that you can access by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the bottom left corner of the main page : the "material selection" page, the "custom brushes" page and the "time and weather" page.
The custom brushes page is used to store some brushes (or other commands). On the downloadable version I left the ones I used so far.
The time and weather page stores some commands to change...the time and the weather as you would guess.

The last page is the "Custom transformations" page, which is on the right of the main page. It contains commands that require the user to make a WorldEdit selection : 3 free-rotation commands (vertical rotations + horizontal rotation but with a free angle (not necessarily a multiple of 90), and one "complete 3/4" command that will copy your selection, and rotate/paste it 3 times.

Main Part

The main part of the GUI is split into several divisions :
-The "numeric pad"
This part works the same way a calculator does, you can input a number with the corresponding keys, correct it with C and erase it with X. You can also use keyboard input (the input must be an integer).
The "Copy to height" button copies the numeric pad number to the field on its bottom. It is used for the height of the cylinder commands as explained later.
Numeric Pad

-The direction selector
Some commands, like //stack or //expand need a direction. This direction can either be the direction the player looks at, or a given direction.
The "Use Dir" button can select this : if it is OFF, the direction chosen by the command will be the direction the player looks at. If it is ON, it will be the direction shown in the center of the direction selector. It can be changed with the buttons around it.

On the latest version there are also buttons to make the direction "forward", "backwards", "left" and "right".
Direction Selector

-The mask selector
The //mask and //gmask button need you to have chosen a material or a "pattern" in the material selector. A pattern is a mix of different materials, with frequancies. For example "50%stone,50%dirt" is a mix of stone and dirt with equal amount. Note: The "%" character represents a frequency and not a percent here. You can have "1%stone,1%dirt" and it is the same as "50%stone,50%dirt".
These buttons will respectively execute the //mask and //gmask command.
The -a button enables or disables the air filter with the commands that can have this argument on the interface (//set, //walls, //sphere, //hsphere, //cyl and //hcyl).
On the newer version this button is lower and accompanied by a -s button that adds a -s tag to commands of the GUI that accepts it. this tag can for example be used with the //paste command. It will set your current selection to be the pasted structure.
Mask Selector

-The selection type selector
This part enables to quickly change the WorldEdit/FAWE type of selection.
Selection Type

-The block-setting command and brush pad
This part contains commands to place blocks or to create a brush.
Except for the //set 0 command, they need you to select a material or a pattern in the material selector.
The size selected, (for the spheres and the cylinders) is the number selected on the numeric pad. The cylinder commands need a height, which is the number selected on the numeric pad with the "Copy to height" button.
Block Setting Commands

-The selection-editing pad
The //stack, //move, //shift, //expand and //contract buttons use the direction selector. The amount of blocks moved/expanded or the amount of times stacked is the number on the numeric pad.
Selection Editing Pad

For example on this configuration, by clicking the stack button, the selection would be stacked 5 times to the West direction.
Stack Example

-Some VoxelSniper commands using the material selector
The /b command size is the number on the numeric pad.
The /vh command height is the number selected with "Copy to height" on the numeric pad.
The /v material is selected on the material selector (it has to be a simple material).
VoxelSniper Commands

-Some miscellaneous commands (left part)
First, on the top left corner there are teleport commands. The player teleport button needs you to add the player you want to teleport to your friend list on the Macro Keybind mod and the Warp button needs you to register the place you want to warp to.
On the right of these commands are schematic saving and loading buttons.
Then there is a command that gives a "water puddle"-placing command block. If the command blocks are enabled on your server, you can place it and it will be replaced with the lowest water flowing block. Important: This block disappears when updated.

The "Mouse/Keyboard" button is used to change the profile of the keyboard macros you are using. If you are using a mouse with many buttons you may want to assign the mouse buttons to macros. By default they are bound on the numeric pad and other keys on the right of the keyboard.

On the lower part of the interface there are night vision and clear potion commands, that are pretty self-explaining.

Materials selector
On this part you can choose a material, used for some commands on the main part.
Each line corresponds to a material, which you can modify either by clicking the "Pick hand item" button, or with the "Keyboard entry" button.
Material Selection
You can select the line you will use with the "Use this one" button. The material of this line will be the material used by the commands of the main part of the GUI. If you do not want to use a pre-selected material, you can select "Use none".
Line Selection

First you have to find out the number of the version of Macro Keybind Mod you are using, in the .macros.txt file, located in the liteconfig/common/macros folder of your installation.
Then download the GUI, extract the archive and replace this number in the .macros.txt file you downloaded. Finally replace the .macros.txt file in your installation with the downloaded one.
Finally put the rest of the downloaded files in the same folder (liteconfig/common/macros).

You are welcome to post a comment if you have suggestions or feedback, be it commands suggestions or ergonomy suggestions, or if you do not understand something about how this interface works :)

First thanks Mumfrey for the Macros Keybind mod.
Then big thanks to Hayanasa for the original idea of this interface and allowing me to publish this version ( https://twitter.com/hayanasa/status/832511881109663746 ).

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Infiniteam 05/26/2019 1:14:24 pmMay 26th, 2019

Added keyboard macros for numpad with a "mouse profile" for those who want the same macros on a mouse while not having to remap the macros on the "keyboard profile" in case they would need this profile some time.Added more featuresImproved the colors to make it less ugly and a bit more intuitive.

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10/18/2018 5:29 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar

Looks interesting, I'll try it. The macro mod by itself isn't ideal, though with programmable keys on a mouse I could at least use 2 commands or so.
With this I might be able to use more still. Though with my typing speed the main reason to use this will be very complex commands.

10/19/2018 4:58 am
Level 45 : Master Artist
Infiniteam's Avatar
Actually the mod is very convenient if you use macros for selection commands (//pos1, //pos2, //hpos1 and //hpos2) and copy, cut, rotate, flip and paste commands. Macros for undo and redo are also quite useful.
But with all these commands you need to order the macros properly (the numeric pad is quite convenient if your keyboard has one, and you can use a "cheat sheet" to remember them, be it with a paper or on another screen).
10/18/2018 2:52 pm
Level 27 : Expert Robot
shinezeo_siiji's Avatar
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