Minecraft Maps / Minecart

Makeshift LEGO Ninjago

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Bedrock Edition
HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar HarumiQuietOne4
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Princess
Hi everyone welcome to my first-ever map!

Please note: This is in no way a show-accurate version of Ninjago. This map was entirely made for fun so don’t expect 100% accuracy.

This map uses the "LEGO Ninjago Add-on" by Ntek Games.

This map contains structures from all across Ninjago along with completely transforming the end to become the Departed Realm. There are also a bunch of hidden details around the map so I encourage you to explore! More updates are to come so stay tuned!

Additionally, if you would like to know how to make the note block songs that are hidden across the map, please check out my LEGO Ninjago note block tutorial.

If you have any buildings you’d like me to do please let me know!
CreditNtek Games for the texture pack.
Progress85% complete

5 Update Logs

Version 1.20.80 : by HarumiQuietOne4 04/27/2024 11:58:41 amApr 27th

Hello everyone,

Continuing with the theme from the previous update you can now visit some towns/ villages from the beginning. You can now visit Ignacia with the famous Four Weapons Blacksmith shop. Additionally you can visit Jamanakai Village with a bike chalet and some women's Tea Shop.

Other updates include:
    • Added Ignacia (Villager compatible)
    • Added Jamanakai Village (Villager compatible)
    • Stixx is Villager compatible
    • Added Twitchy Tim's gas station
    • Uploaded paths for a better look
    • Updated some buildings exteriors for a better look
    • Added more hidden details across the map
    • Set up command example for powers (Turned on by changing command blocks to repeat)
    • Testing out biomes (different locations will now have different biomes. I’m unsure if this could cause future issues so if needed a backup is stored without biomes.)

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06/25/2024 12:19 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
CameronFenich's Avatar
can you make the map mcworld download so its easier for people to be able to the map
06/25/2024 1:11 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Princess
HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar
Hello CameronFenish,

Thank you for the suggestion! Honestly I've been so used to .zip that I hadn't considered .mcworld would be easier for others. I have updated the world file to be .mcworld.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.
05/19/2024 3:08 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
IsmaGamer's Avatar

Hi can you put the map for Java Edition?

05/19/2024 11:37 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Princess
HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar
Hello IsmaGamer,

Unfortunately at the moment, my attempts to make the Map available for Java Edition have been unsuccessful. Though admittedly it's difficult because I don't have Java Edition and don't know anyone who has Java that could test for me.

If you would like to try and have it converted to Java Edition, my best suggestion is to use Chunker as it has worked well for me when converting Java worlds to Bedrock. If it does ever work let me know so I can make the world available for both Java and Bedrock.

05/19/2024 2:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
IsmaGamer's Avatar
Ok thank you he worked!
05/19/2024 4:01 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Princess
HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar
Wait Really? No issues? No error message? What Java version did you convert it to? Do you always do the recent version (1.20.5) or another version?

For me it always gives me the error message "We ran into a few errors converting your world, however, we were still able to continue, for help contact support with the following ids: 710d9e6c-863c-456b-a110-c2e170478e2a "
06/01/2024 11:39 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
IsmaGamer's Avatar
03/10/2024 3:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5052991G's Avatar
Как скачать?
03/10/2024 4:25 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Princess
HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar

Please note I used Google Translate to translate your message so my apologies if I misunderstood what you were saying.

To download the map press the "Download Minecraft Map" Once downloaded, save the world in files under:
  • Minecraft
  • Games
  • com.mojang
  • minecraftWorlds

The map will appear as a zip file. To unzip the file (if on a mobile device) simply tap the file and it should switch to a folder and appear as a Minecraft world when you open Minecraft. Or if your on a computer, you can look up how to unzip a zip file. However, if you're looking for an easier way to download the map on the app "World for Minecraft" as it is a lot easier to download the map.

Thank you,
02/13/2024 12:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Poquitoui's Avatar
note:I’m not trying to be mean while talking on the errors in the map. Also, it can also be only me who has them.

Hello, Harumi, I need to say I noticed various errors within your map, such as:

1. some map-pictures arround the world are missing: such as Sensei dareth’s mojo dojo’s.

2. this one I’m not sure if it’s just me, but some beds in chen’s island are missing.

i hope you can fix them next time, but anyways, your map is amazing!! — I need to say that I’m not trying to be mean talking about the errors, I love the map, this is my favorite update so far.

some locations I would love to see next are:

-IGNACIA (with four weapons blacksmith shop) I think it is very important, it gives that nostalgia feeling, and it’s the first location we see in the show.

-Jamanakai village: I always loved how ninjago had some places that looked medieval, and some modern cities: a pure example of this are ninjago city, and by the other side, jamanakai village.

-dark island: you can make it small if you want, the only think I really want to see is the temple of light.

anyways, if you won’t do this, it’s ok, they are just requests.

another thing id love to see is that if you make different worlds for each realm, but that would be wanting a lot.
