Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Martian Survival (Beta)

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Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
Greetings Earthlings! This is mostly an Beta Test for an upcoming survival map, but not just any survival map! This one takes place on Mars! The basic storyline is that upon your departure from the red planet your MAV (Mars Ascent Vehicle) gets hit by Martian debree during a storm and crashes. You are the only survivor and must figure out how to stay alive until  you can contact NASA about your situation.

(The download link is now availible!) The list of things to do whilst on the planet is down below:

1. Tear out the floor out the HAB (your base) and grow food (using the 16 potatos given)
2. Re-visit the crashed MAV and salvage the daylight sensor (used for a later purpose)
3. Find instructions in the HAB to rebuild the MAV launch pad (so NASA can possibly send you a ship)
4. Clean up the crashed rocket and store parts in chests outside HAB (so you're not a slob)
5. Go search for a buried rover in the sand usuing coordinates found inside the HAB (This step is important as it contains the ONLY crafting table AND furnace. You may want to consider doing this first above all. Plus it has a record player with disks for you're enjoinment!)
6. Build a Beacon to contact NASA
7. Have Fun! (if you can)

So there you have it! A full checklist of things to do to survive on Mars! If you have any suggestions for more things to add to the list please leave them in the comments.
(and yes this was inspired by the novel and movie: The Martian)
CreditThe Martian by Andy Weir
Progress75% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by mattlegostar 11/08/2015 1:18:25 pmNov 8th, 2015

Hello everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update and say that the offical release date for Martian Survival is December 1st!

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01/27/2018 11:15 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Crafter
Is this Finished or Discontinued?
10/25/2015 5:43 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster System
is this based on the movie because the sleep quarters are on an other place. but i really like the map :3
10/26/2015 7:08 am
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
No, but its similar to the movie. :P
10/26/2015 8:02 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster System
will you update the hab that it looks like in the movie?
10/26/2015 8:27 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
Probably not since this map is a spin-off from the movie.
10/22/2015 7:20 am
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
The Download link is now availible! (Beta)
10/20/2015 5:37 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Great idea!  :D
10/23/2015 7:11 am
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
Thx man
10/20/2015 5:04 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
This is really cool! Can't wait for this to come out
10/23/2015 7:12 am
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
Me too! :P
