Minecraft Maps / Other

Medieval Castle Puzzle for MineColonies 1.20.1

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Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
Have you ever wanted a castle for your MineColonies. Do you like puzzles?

Needed supplementaries mod

Well, you can place the supplycamp which is a castle in ruins. then you just need to get your workers to fix it up. And that is the puzzle.
There are clues if you look for them.

Don't worry too much, as in the basement of the ruins you pitched your tent and started making your plans.

BEWARE: lower levels might be dark and need torches. Higher levels have lanterns.

The basement will be your personal space so not to worry about your items disappearing.

The Castle does have Townhall (where the Castle is built) a builder tavern cook bakery mystic hospital

In the Courtyard you have: (Each section levels up together)
A Blacksmith shop, with a smelter with housing and a guard in the tower.
A Warehouse with Couriers and housing
A University with Library and housing.
A Playground School
A Rabbit shop and horse rental space and housing and a guard in the tower.
A Barracks with Archery and Combat also with housing.

An easy way to line up the castle parts is: (some parts do overlap.)
Townhall then outside the Warehouse first lining up the walkway, then using the outside walls to line up the rest.
To the Left is Blacksmith - Front Gate - Rabbit Shop (lines up with front steps) - Barracks.
To the right is the school playground then the university.

I do plan on building the other things outside the walls, but until I do you can always use any of the other styles for the rest of your colony.
Medieval Dark Oak matches nicely. I have made a Blacksmith (from ruins to nice)

I may add this before I fully test things so others can help test.
It took a lot to figure out how to get all the pieces working together. And there is a lot of overlapping of pieces.

Minecolonies: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecolonies

Installation Instructions:

    • Head to the Blueprints folder (under your modpack fold under instances)
    • Place the file into the Blueprints folder
    • Unzip the file
    • Put it in the Blueprints folder
    • Delete the empty .zip and folder
Minecolonies Discord: https://discord.gg/pq9dGFyN
Minecolonies Stream: www.twitch.tv/minecoloniesteam
BlueNerd Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ANc72wQdusmOHwOL1-93g:
Minecolonies Schematics World by Thaylar https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/minecolonies-schematics-worlds/
Minecolonies Wiki Tutorials: https://ldtteam.github.io/MinecoloniesWiki/source/tutorials/tutorial
Minecolonies Wiki Schematics https://wiki.minecolonies.ldtteam.com/source/tutorials/schematics
Minecolonies collection: https://www.planetminecraft.com/collection/196954/minecolonies/

Lunfash Tutorial: www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/sgwmlj/dragon_egg_monument_tutorial/
Progress80% complete

11 Update Logs

Update #11 : by LadyKathleen 07/13/2023 1:32:09 pmJul 13th, 2023

Fixed Smeltery on the blacksmith

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12/08/2023 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
there's also a huge empty room next to the dining room, is something supposed to go there?
12/10/2023 7:49 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
Are you talking about the kitchen and bakery?
12/08/2023 3:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there a reason why villagers aren't sleeping in the beds in the castle? theres 2 huge rooms of just beds, ones the barracks, but no one sleeps there and i can't find a "residence" block for it.
12/10/2023 7:48 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
The castle is the town hall more your area to play in.

You might want to check minecolonies itself for why guards do not sleep in the barracks.
07/28/2023 12:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Having trouble figuring out where the kitchen exactly goes. i have an idea of the room but not sure of the placement also the kitchen turns 180 between lvl 1 and 2 is this on purpose?
07/30/2023 12:14 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
it should not turn like that. I will look into it.. I will also try to make the placement easier to know where it is.
07/30/2023 3:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I eventually figured out via the blocks but it was trial and error most of the time I feel there should be more clues as to what block is what building also one of the log pillars on the level 1 University is interrupted by a plank I believe it is one of the rear right ones if you are facing the main section of the keep
07/31/2023 9:26 am
Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
I am not sure what you mean by University is interrupted by a plank
But this style does have issues as a lot of the schemes overlap each other and after I finished it I realized how bad that way.
