Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

MineCraft Hunger Games Arena Pvp and parkour

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thevenommonkey's Avatar thevenommonkey
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
I will have a tutorial video soon but i hope you enjoy this. I made it a while back and released it as a 1k subscriber special on youtube Its a pvp map made for a vanilla server it has redstone controls for a "gamemaker" all of which are marked and have signs.

inside the map there is
hidden chests
lava traps
mob dispensers
people releasers
wolf releasings
air bombings
fireball launchers
and more

my youtube: www.youtube.com/user/TheVenomMonkey?feature=mhee


Additional Notes

This map is intentionally small... when i first designed it it was going to be made into short pvp episodes to put on my channel and i wanted long games

also at the time of building this i had not seen the movie
Progress100% complete

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11/27/2012 5:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ethan1400's Avatar
Where is the spawn location ( x,y,x) ???
11/30/2012 8:57 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
thevenommonkey's Avatar
i appologize for the late reponse X: 1300 Y: 20 Z:250

may i ask where it took you? and was it because you died or did the map start you there?
11/27/2012 1:19 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Nerd
elvisio's Avatar
Awesome little hg :D
But the sphere should be from mix of bedrock, stone cobble etc. (for my opinion of course)
11/30/2012 8:51 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
thevenommonkey's Avatar
interesting idea... ever since command blocks came out i was tempted to re-do the maps
