Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Minecraft Superflat Customization

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Mrmakkymakk+'s Avatar Mrmakkymakk+
Level 39 : Artisan Caveman
Minecraft Superflat Customization "Fun-Worlds" page

This page contains all of the "Fun-worlds" that I (Mrmakkymakk) have discovered whilst messing around with super flat world customization.

If you have your own Minecraft Superflat Customization "Fun-Worlds", then just pm me the code and I will put them in this bundle with your name on it!

The first one that I present to you is called the Never Ending Jungle . The customization code is as follows:


What this code tells the minecraft terrain generation system is that everything between 1; and ;1 are blocks to be used in layers. 7 tells the system to use bedrock (data value 7) to be the first layer. 2x3 tells the system to have two layers of data value 3 which is dirt. after 2x3 is 2 which is the data value for grass, which is required for saplings to spawn. The final data value is 6:3 , the 6 is the data value for sapling and the 3 is a modifier which is used in slabs, potions and dyes to tell the system which kind of block/item to use. 6:3 is the data value for jungle sapling.
All together the layers are

bedrock,dirt,dirt,grass,jungle sapling.

This one is called "Crash your computer"


This one is a very weird one indeed. The terrain generates as follows: ten layers of whatever block 95 is. All I know is that all of the blocks disappear one by one...

The third entry is known by me as "FARM-VILLE"


How to load these codes

A ten step guide to customization code input

  1. Make sure you are running minecraft 12w37a or later
  2. Go to create a new world
  3. Go to more world options
  4. Switch the World Type to super flat
  5. Click the customize button underneath it
  6. Click the Presets button at the bottom of the screen
  7. At the top of the new screen paste any of the customization codes into the black box
  8. Click use preset
  9. Click Done
  10. Click create new world and have fun =)

More is on the way
Progress100% complete

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04/26/2014 5:36 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pony
sonichedgehog96's Avatar
Diamond and fav :)

P.S Its awsome!
12/29/2012 9:08 pm
Level 49 : Master Enderdragon
maxwell321's Avatar
hello, i make my own codes, so heres what i made so far:

Mineshafts Everywhere: 2;7,10x1,5x3,2;3;stronghold,biome_1,decoration,dungeon,mineshaft

Diamond Heaven: 2;7,230x57;3;stronghold,biome_1,decoration,dungeon,mineshaft

End Town: 2;7,2x121;1;stronghold

Heaven: 2;7,230x35;3;stronghold,biome_1,decoration,dungeon,mineshaft
12/26/2012 12:30 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Nikodilay's Avatar
Just what I needed! Thank you :)
09/22/2012 9:21 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Caveman
Mrmakkymakk+'s Avatar
09/22/2012 8:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
masoboyo's Avatar
how come we cant play on this server HUH??
