Minecraft Maps / Complex

Minecraftia Multiplayer Server

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Firmdeadeye101's Avatar Firmdeadeye101
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
I run a server, Skyrealm, the server is mainly YOGSCAST-Themed but also retains the survival, PvP and Roleplay elements that make it a server.

What i want to do is to build some of the fabled Yogscast cities and towns on my server. I have already built Mistral City by myself. What i am looking for is people who can help me build the towns etc. whilst still remembering that we have a need for lots, such as not having Peculiers destroyed house in Mistral City purely because it is not good for maintaining the functionality of the server.

The server IP is:

Go to www.skyrealmserver.forumify.com. Where there is going to be a thread about this topic.
All those who help shall recieve in-game rewards like money and items. Whilst those who contribute a lot may be considered for Mods etc.

As the server is 24/7 the project shall be continuous, but myself and the other Admins will make the final decision as to the location of the cities and towns.
Progress20% complete

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03/10/2013 2:45 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
davonia's Avatar
I cant connect
01/09/2013 2:59 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Hunter
coolkilla's Avatar
cant connect man but i want to help
11/28/2011 3:36 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
doomslayer577's Avatar
me neither
07/01/2011 3:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aris0601's Avatar
i cant connect to the server
