Minecraft Maps / Complex

Modern/Future City

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Apiem's Avatar Apiem
Level 25 : Expert Architect
This is a city I have been working on for the past year. It is on a friend’s server so I won't provide a map download. I have laid out the roadwork for nearly three times the size of the current area the city occupies, my first real attempt to plan the city. Before I just built buildings and connect the dots with roads in-between empty spaces. Most of the buildings in this picture are recreations of, or inspired by, real life buildings that either exist now, are under construction, or are in the planning stages. Some, like the black and white one in the foreground of the first picture, are from concept art or in games such as Halo Reach. A few buildings have been designed by myself, but they are less common. I plan on adding more personally designed structures to the city in the new area.

I gave this build a 0% progress completion, this city will always be expanding in size and ambition. I intend on fully completing every single structure in this city, inside and out. Three towers in this picture are already 100% complete while the remaining are still under various stages of construction, some only need interior furnishing, some are missing floors inside, and some aren't even topped out.

Thanks for checking out my project, the encuragement really helps. Don't forget to check back later for more developments.

PS: My friend’s server that this city is on is seeking to expand and we would love to have more members. Feel free to send me a PM if you wish to join (it's whitelisted).
Progress0% complete

3 Update Logs

Future Plans : by Apiem 06/04/2014 7:07:14 pmJun 4th, 2014

I intend to continue working on the infrastructure a lot more, finishing buildings that are very close to completion, and updating buildings with new 1.8 blocks when the update comes out.

A cultural district has been planned out with tons of malls, museums, and at the center, a gigantic opera house of my own personal design, called the Lotus Opera House or Drakensberg Opera House (I haven't decided which yet). I took inspiration from the Sydney Opera House curved roof design. It is a very different design, it's only inspired by it. So far I've completed about 1/4th of the exterior.

There is also going to be a massive, nearly 1:1 scale, Olympic stadium built nearby the cultural district. I won't divulge which Olympic stadium it is, but it will be by far the most complicated structure I have ever made, and the most complicated, in shape and complexity, real world stadium I have yet seen attempted to be built in minecraft. A few nearby stadiums will be erected, eventually, such as a national spleef arena and some venues for other various competitive minecraft sports. This is to make the city a fun place for players to compete in games and explore.

So if you like my city so far, please subscribe, favorite, and diamond, because it's about to get a whole lot bigger. You won't be disappointed. And as always thanks for the views!

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09/25/2014 6:21 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
DaxesMC's Avatar
I miss the Download for that :'(
TheTripping Kangaro0
05/07/2014 2:36 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheTripping Kangaro0's Avatar
This is awesome!
05/07/2014 12:52 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
iancyrus81's Avatar
Looks a lot like HongKong. well done!
05/07/2014 6:33 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Apiem's Avatar
Well the building in the foreground is the hong kong convention center. lol Although all of the other buildings are mostly taken from Dubai, Beijing, New York, Chicago, and one from my home of San Diego (the shorter building on the far left) and even 2 from Halo concept art.
05/07/2014 7:42 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
iancyrus81's Avatar
I see, my bad! great build overally anyways!
05/07/2014 12:20 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Wow! Fantastic city! diamond and sub to you :)
05/07/2014 12:55 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Apiem's Avatar
Thanks man! Your stuff is awesome too.
05/07/2014 6:56 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Np! And thanks as well!
05/06/2014 3:50 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
gerardito19's Avatar
check simcity tomorrow skyscrapers, inspiration flow like mad from some of them
05/06/2014 5:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Apiem's Avatar
Oh god! please don't remind me about that mess of a game lol... that being said I might consider a few of them because if there is one thing I give the new simcity is that it's beautiful... that's it though. And while were on the subject, check out the asian set of buildings from sim city 3000 because pretty much every building in that game is gonna end up in my city.
