Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Movecraft Air Battleship - Kirishima

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DoctorEckener's Avatar DoctorEckener
Level 43 : Master Engineer
This ship flies using Movecraft. All the weapons are redstone devices, and work without it, however.

My largest, most heavily armed and armored ship yet. (The Behemoth and RN Carrier are quite too big to fly :P) The Kirishima has all the latest technology regarding Movecraft warships. I intented to make her over the course of a few days but oops, I got lost in the world of building and finished the ship in one day. My sanity is only intact thanks to Coreprotect, which fixed the ship whenever the cannons blew up.


48x Fireguns on the broadsides, 24 on each broadside.

5x Fireguns mounted on the bow.

2x Fireguns facing aft.

5x CST quad-barreled scattershot turrets.

12x Bomb droppers.


1x Falcon, recolored and renamed as an A6M3 "zero". Mostly used for scouting.


3-block thick stoneslab-wool composite armor. Stops two-shell cannons and greatly lowers the damage taken from scattershots.

Should the main gunnery bridge be destroyed, the broadside fire guns and turrets can be controlled from emergency rooms, located around the bridge.

Thanks to 1Supersemmie for help with the bow bridge!

Again, the name Kirishima is only because I like it, this ship has nothing to do with the real life battleship. If you liked my work consider dropping off a diamond or even a favourite! Feedback is also always appreciated.
Credit1Supersemmie, Loraxe42
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by DoctorEckener 07/19/2015 10:12:24 amJul 19th, 2015

Further increased deck armor

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02/21/2016 5:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KevinC66's Avatar
For some reason, the left barrel in the aft gun has an extra TNT the second time firing, and blows up. There were no changes made to the ship when I downloaded it. I only loaded all the dispensors with TNT. Could you possibly know the solution to this problem? Thanks.
07/19/2015 10:20 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Epic Job!
07/19/2015 10:21 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
DoctorEckener's Avatar
Thanks, mate!
07/19/2015 10:22 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
07/18/2015 9:29 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
keough99's Avatar
cool next time i see you on creative i will have to show you how i refited your behemith refit i made updates and a whole bunch of things and im still working on adding things to it and doing fixes as of right now on it it has more lift and the goliath turrets were updated and it has like 5-6 bridges for control but 1 may be removed for updates to the frontal cannons.

but theres a reason to this refit i did that i will tell u on creative
07/17/2015 6:49 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
TylerS1066's Avatar
