This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Minecraft Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Nether Structure

NETHER - A Research Foundation; Exploring the Nether

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ArgosLV's Avatar ArgosLV
Level 27 : Expert Architect
6th Place

NETHER - A Research Foundation; Exploring the Nether Minecraft Map


In mid summer heavy storms hit our sores - ravaging winds and droplets red like blood. It was a sight no one had ever seen before. It was then, during this peculiar time, that our portals ceased working, an event that filled our hearts with terror, as we did not know what happened to our beloved ones, on the other side. A few days later, groups of people began appearing outside our cities walls. It was them! But soon our joy retreated, as we heard them mumbling tales about flying through mysterious tunnels - as if in a dream - and then falling from the skies to the overworld. Everyone of us was unrest, even questioning their sanity, since the underworld is a place few hearts can handle. Eventually our portals fired up again and we sent teams to scout the lands. There was no sight of ruins or anything resembling our civilization, while the scouts came back speaking about new plants and fearsome creatures in the New Lands. It was then that N.E.T.H.E.R. was founded aiming to find out what happend, while exploring the New Lands. I was appointed in the lab of the Northern Lava Falls Station, an area which became famous for its rich flora and and ore mines.

And now that you have heard all these, if you still want to join our team, follow me and let me show you around the station.

Communications Center
Here you see the Communications Center, the true jewel of our Station. Its is responsible for sending messages between the Overworld and the Nether, as well as from and to any other Station or any other department. Now you can even see its four satellite discs near its middle and also its worth noting that its shape allows the hot gasses, from the Nether lakes beneath us, to condense allowing the structure to cool down.

NETHER - A Research Foundation; Exploring the Nether Minecraft Map
NETHER - A Research Foundation; Exploring the Nether Minecraft Map

Furthermore, the CC is the only building not powered by batteries - as we will see later on -, as it has a thermo-nuclear reactor at its base.

Power Station
As the name implies this is the power hub of our station, where the Flies - which is how we like to call our transpotation vehicles - unload empty batteries and load full ones. We use the heat of the lava running down the six blades at the sides of the build, to get the boilers going. Its a form of geothermal enegy, that allows as to generate power, by exploiting the thermal-conductive capacity of the newfound Netherite metal.

Botany Lab
The area around the Falls has quite the spectacular flora. So it was decided that a Botany Lab shall be constructed as the research center of our community. And I am glad to be calling it my home. Have a walk around and do not touch anything!

Transportation Center
At least it doesn't smell like a gas station in here! Thanks to the newly developed jet engines that is, however if you are interested in them Pr. Johnes hosts a lecture in a couple of hours. Noone interested, really? Anyways, this wonderful building is the Transportation Center. All our Flies are remotely controlled from here and bring their cargo to the main storage area, that you will see upstairs. Also, after passing the Aqua and Magenta Rooms, be careful not to fall in the crane's pit!

Nether Portal
An outstanding design, dont you think?

Residential Areas
It is nice to feel like home, isn't it? Well this will be your home after all, so better get used to it!

Some of you came here due to our stations reputation of having the best excavation team in the whole Neteher. Could you be their match, I wonder...

Spawn Area
Finally if you ever regret your decision to work with us, here is the way out.

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NETHER - A Research Foundation; Exploring the Nether
A project by

Thank you ever so much for your time and I would like to wish the best to my fellow contestants! This is a build constructed entirely by myself (including the editing, style and logos presented here) in Minecraft Bedrock Edition for Android 1.16 (so the world files were designed for this version I presume) , with all the limitations tha accompany this version (slower performance, lower render distance, occasional lag etc), nonetheless the build turned out as expected and I am proud of it - especially after spending a week and a half building it and adding all the little details. Leave a comment or even a diamond if you enjoyed it!

P.S. There are many hidden secrets in the map. Can you find them all? Have fun exploring!
Progress100% complete

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09/29/2020 6:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3244211G's Avatar
What are the Co ordinates for the Portal when i spawned in the world, I was at sand
10/06/2020 5:11 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
ArgosLV's Avatar
Did you look up? as the spawn area is floating
08/05/2020 6:56 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
ArgosLV's Avatar
Thank you ever so much for your kind words! It is immensely appreciated and arguably your support and feedback is what makes me continue creating and pushing my limits more and more. This build - with lots of organic shapes and a unique pallet - was a challenge to me and thanks to all of you amazing people we managed to reach the 6th place in the Nether Minecraft Build Contest! Once more I will just say thank you - we deserve it!
07/28/2020 8:12 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Skinner
Shadeviera's Avatar
WHOA!!! That... That is just SO GOOD!!! O.O Wow!! That is so stunning and beautiful!
07/21/2020 12:34 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
This is absolutely fantastic (and beautiful)!
07/21/2020 11:15 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
That amount of details (and proper description to show it with background) worked out quite nicely.

Well done fellow contestant, you to best of wishes in this contest.
07/21/2020 9:28 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Princess
Aiowo's Avatar
goodluckk <3
