Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

New! Custom Amplified Villages Survival Map, Custom Overworld Village, Custom Nether Village, Custom End Village, Custom Spawners, Custom Random Loot, Custom Named Mobs

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Level 48 : Master Modder
Custom Amplified Villages Survival Map Created By StealthyExpert, iPxD Mods, CastleCrafters

Today we bring you A brand new amazing custom amplified villages survival map!

This is an Amazing new custom survival map that will test your wit's in completely new and unique ways

unlike anything you have seen before previously' This map features 3x custom villages that's one for each dimension and 150+x Custom named villagers for each Dimension that's 450+ Custom named villagers in total wow! well it gets better on top of that there is 50 Custom Named Mobs of every type per Dimension of the peaceful variety and 10x custom spawners that are hidden through out each custom amplified village also there is hundreds of chest filled with tons of epic custom loot for you randomly placed through each village.

This map has been showcased on YouTube by ( ibxtoycat The Minecraft YouTuber with over 748.000+ Subscribers )

(Download Link): Click Here! https://pastebin.com/D0NwrX3z

Note: I do plan on making more themed villages map like these in the near future maybe even on A larger scale

please prove any request in the comments sections thank you for your continued support,

(The Overworld: Custom Amplified Village)

(Overworld Custom Amplified Village)

(The Nether: Custom Amplified Village)

New! Custom Amplified Villages Survival Map, Custom Overworld Village, Custom Nether Village, Custom End Village, Custom Spawners, Custom Random Loot, Custom Named Mobs Minecraft Map

(The End: Custom Amplified Village)

New! Custom Amplified Villages Survival Map, Custom Overworld Village, Custom Nether Village, Custom End Village, Custom Spawners, Custom Random Loot, Custom Named Mobs Minecraft Map

(Map Overlay: Fully Explored Maps)


Twitter: www.twitter.com/RedstonerLabs

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSCq4Al4Bx7geFdbkLxMxw

Patreon: www.patreon.com/stealthyexpert

PlanetMinecraft: www.planetminecraft.com/member/stealthyexpert

Website: Cheap Web Hosting! www.ipxdhosting.com Cheap Web Hosting!
CreditStealthyExpert, iPxD Mods, CastleCrafters, @RedstonerLabs, @MCEliteMods, @CastleCrafters_
Progress100% complete

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08/16/2017 8:23 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
This is crazy... O.O
08/17/2017 12:25 am
Level 48 : Master Modder
Yeah it is it took 2-3 months to make

I'm working on new maps that I hope are just as good if not better! :D
04/22/2017 3:01 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
I love maps like these :D
