Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

New Difficulty: HORROR in only one command!

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IJAMinecraft's Avatar IJAMinecraft
Level 87 : Elite Engineer

Today I show you my newest command, which adds a new difficulty to your world. This mode is called HORROR and it really is horror - a hell on earth almost. The command changes the behaviour and stats of certain mobs/monsters and makes them really hard to defeat! This difficulty is everything, but not easy!

Watch the video to see how everything works!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leUudkPQt8E
Command: https://ijaminecraft.com/cmd/difficulty_horror_1.10/

Progress100% complete

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Narnian Dryad
07/24/2016 11:33 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
Narnian Dryad's Avatar
Ok, another idea I had is maybe a one command for a water park/water slide and have several different kinds of spawn eggs for them! Or maybe a command that will randomly spawn "nukes" in your world every 15 minutes, and the air around it will poison/wither you, but if you can survive to the epicenter, there is a chest with epic loot! Or you could incorporate the "nuke" idea with a command that (instead of earthquakes or something) could spawn the "nukes" , a stampede of cows, something like "spontaneous combustion" if you stop moving, or a horde of termites (aka endermites) that will "eat away" blocks around them as they move around! (or you could use silverfish) Ok sorry about the super long comments, but I can't figure out how to make a mod pack or complicated commands, so I'm bursting with ideas!
Narnian Dryad
07/23/2016 8:11 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
Narnian Dryad's Avatar
WOW. This is amazing: May I suggest an idea? What if you could do (idk if anyone has done this before) only one command: aliens and/or spaceships that can fly down from the sky during storms and break chests and steal your stuff, and sometimes "kidnap" you and bring you up somewhere! Like I said, IDK if you could do this, but something like that would be awesome. I'm guessing you could incorporate the shulkers powers into like a laser beam pulling you up into the sky. Thanks For This WONDERFUL Command!!!
07/23/2016 3:03 pm
Level 87 : Elite Engineer
IJAMinecraft's Avatar
Glad you like it!
I think your idea might be a bit too much for a command though, so I don't know if I'll ever realize that ^^
07/21/2016 10:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Botonian's Avatar
You could make a truly amazing mod pack
07/21/2016 10:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Botonian's Avatar
How it's amazing to see the power of command blocks. You should team up with Jragon014
07/19/2016 5:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Ranger
Tra_kad's Avatar
This + The Hell Difficulty you already made + Pandora's Box that you also already made = Minecraftageddon?
07/19/2016 5:40 pm
Level 87 : Elite Engineer
IJAMinecraft's Avatar
Would be interesting- although it's sadly not possible, since the Hell one and the Pandora's Box are only for 1.8.1 - 1.8.9 and the Horror Difficulty is for 1.10 ^^
