Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Minecraft ZOMBIES: School by daveDAVE25

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Bedrock Edition
Level 43 : Master Crafter
PLEASE NOTE: The Alternate Download Link will link you to the Resource Pack that can be installed along with this map! The resource pack is a .ZIP file. You must extract the file, and then place the folder in the following location:
C:\Users\<user's name>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\resource_packs

Looking for a Call of Duty-style zombies map? Well you found the perfect map. Fully functional zombie waves and a similar game play style to CoD zombies will immerse you in a very challenging environment. Are you up for the challenge of surviving?


-Fully-operational zombie spawn-wave system
-Fully-operational item machines... the more XP levels you have, the more items you can buy!
-Game difficulty increases as the rounds go on
-Designed for 1-5 players
-Different doors open up to different parts of the map
-Fully-detailed internal and external model
-A challenging environment for you and your friends
-Fully-operational redstone and command block mechanics make for a smooth playing experience

Install Instructions: 1. download the .mcworld file
2. double click the .mcworld file that you downloaded
3. the world should import automatically. Enjoy!

***Note - This map is downloadable for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on Windows 10. You may have to convert the map to allow it to work on other Minecraft platforms. I cannot guarantee that any conversion will work properly.

***Note - select the number of players before starting the game. When playing with 4 players, press a different number first, then press 4, and THEN start the game

***Note - This map was developed on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition v1.12 (Windows 10)

***Note - When you play on this map, you should spawn in the briefing room in adventure mode. This is the game mode that the game is to played on.

***Note - Please personally message me if you run into any issues while playing. The map has been tested to run perfectly fine, but I will do my best to address any upcoming issues.
CreditdaveDAVE25, as well as my friends that helped me rigorously test out the world
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by daveDAVE25 09/14/2019 4:23:33 pmSep 14th, 2019


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