Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

New Republic 5th Fleet - Legends

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Level 72 : Legendary Engineer
After yet another Thrawns revenge campaign as the New Republic i found myself making all of the ship classes of the new class modernization program that the 5th fleet in legends consisted of at a matching 1/10 scale to my original nebula star destroyers. This is an example of 1 of the 5 task forces that made up one battle group of the 500 ship 5th fleet.
Special thanks to dolynic star wars interegnum mod for making these lesser known ship models a whole lot easier to reproduce and for actually going to the trouble of translating them from a very obscure drawing to actual 3d models.

Ships Included Keel Length (cannon)
2x Nebula Class Star Destroyers 1040m
1x Endurance Class Fleet Carrier 1040m
2x Majestic Class Heavy Cruisers 700m
2x Defender Class Assault Carriers 700m
4x Sacheen Class Escort Frigates 375m
2x Hajen Class Fleet Tenders 375m
5x Warrior Class Gunships 190m
7x Agave Class Picketships 190m

some info
originally the 5th roving battlegroup the 5th fleet was created to address the new republics need for a rapid response fleet free of being bogged down in territorial deployments like the other 4 fleets and it was the first fleet made entirely of new class warships.the fleet saw extensive first action in the black fleet crisis and would serve along admiral ackbars 3rd fleet fighting the imperial remnant until the official end of the galactic civil war and would be used in Yuuzhan vong war to defend the core and its remaining ships would be reformed into the galactic alliance 5th fleet.

please enjoy hope it inspires some more starwars legends capital ship builds that dont typically get made and if someone wants to make a cool space render of the map feel free because i have no idea how with typically building roman stuff.

for those not familiar with my download style i build in 12.2 and include a schematic with the world file in a zipped folder
Creditone sidded battle, Yuuzhan vong at war mod,dolynic star wars interegnum ships,wookiepedia
Progress100% complete

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11/27/2023 7:57 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
they looks so good
08/01/2020 10:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
