Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Nuclear Minecraft War -NMW

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Julian_the_Boss's Avatar Julian_the_Boss
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Hello everybody.
The Worldsave is not the City World Safe, but the Wold Safe for Prototype Vehicles,update coming soon!
Our idea is, to modifikate a citymap with 4 Stealth bombers ( each Stealthbomber got 1 nuke and 300 TNT) , 4 Apache helicoters with Minigun System,10- 14 tanks with Tnt guns and miniguns, up to 20 Firecharges / second and a german world war II u-boat.
The undersea- boat is already under construction and pictures coming soon.

And the mission is : 2 teams , 20 vs 20 "soldiers" , some heavy overpowerd weapons , and yes, the town. One team have to hold the downton and to secure the "military" harbour and the under sea boat.And the other team have to capture the downtown and to destroy the harbour.
We thinking about to host especially a server for this project, and we need some modifkations.
One is the sdk weapon mod,
another explosives mod:
and maybe a plane mod, for destroying the big stealthbombers or tanks ^^
And we would record the fight. 20 persons record, in each team 10, and so we got the idea to produce the film "Nuclear Minecraft War"
Everyone who dies, can't play , he can only look on a tribune as visitor if he is dead.

And if you like, watch the project of my brother an me, a b ig minecraft cathedral :

That's it.
Progress25% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Julian_the_Boss 11/13/2012 4:26:24 pmNov 13th, 2012

Shooting u-Boat prototype constructed.
Would be finished and updated on planet in 2-3 days.

U-boat is online, torpedo's aren't ready to shoot!

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Military Minecraft
11/07/2013 8:10 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
Keep bringing us great stuff! Diamonded and subscribed!
07/19/2013 4:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PrinzPi's Avatar
I am Julian_the_Boss, but I can't recover my account, so I can't update this project actually, but I got new vids, pics and more.
May I reupload the entire project on my new account ._.
04/20/2013 8:14 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Julian_the_Boss's Avatar
Started Project again.
We working on it again!
01/28/2013 7:33 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Julian_the_Boss's Avatar
Actually project setted on Ice because we need more teammember and more time.
Our mainproject, the cathedral, is going on.
11/20/2012 9:44 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
matioshka's Avatar
Submarines, to the best of my knowledge, do not operate in the air or lying on the ground :)
Also, you ought to jazz up civilization.
11/21/2012 10:45 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Julian_the_Boss's Avatar
i know :D It's just the prototype map, the officially submarines and water vehicles are in the water in the officially map.
But, we are still working on it :D

First, we need a big town map^^ than we modificate the map with our submarines, ships, and tanks^^
11/21/2012 8:41 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
matioshka's Avatar
If you want to you can try using my 'Dystopic village building pack' for your town, though you may wish to MCedit the clay blocks to something else, due to the volume of their drops if and when destroyed.
11/11/2012 2:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
matioshka's Avatar
Would you be so kind as to release a schematic or world save including the tank? It looks quite awesome, and I would be honoured to add it to my minecraft world.
11/11/2012 5:28 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Julian_the_Boss's Avatar
Done. The worldsafe is online.
11/11/2012 6:00 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
matioshka's Avatar
Nice! will download in bit. thank you.
