Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Oceanic Spire - now with schematic!

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Level 35 : Artisan Blockhead
A showcase of my latest build created for the purpose of housing villagers as a trading hall. Completed in 8 hours thanks to caffeine, WorldEdit and Voxel Sniper.
Sub-par screenshots due to my computer being too weak to handle shaders and a high render distance at the same time. I played with 1 FPS just to take pictures of this thing. No regrets.

⭐ This is now available as a schematic file to use! Credit if used on a server is welcomed, but not necessary. ⭐
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Schematic : by pIab 11/21/2023 3:57:06 amNov 21st, 2023

Now with schematic!

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05/15/2022 6:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
It's a very beautiful map, GREAT JOB!
It would be possible to have a shcematic of this build?
11/21/2023 3:57 am
Level 35 : Artisan Blockhead
I know that this is an old comment, but I'm happy to say that this is now available as a schematic. :)
