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Fatality Glitch's Avatar Fatality Glitch
Level 35 : Artisan Nerd

Oni is a Minecraft (Personal Computer) semi-secret, very private server world, built entirely in the "Hard" survival mode. The only change made to the original seed, was to have a friend change the spawn point as to be more user friendly for visitors. Oni began as a simple idea, concocted by Fatality Glitch in the early hours after the 1.7.2 "The Update that Changed the World" update. The World Seed in question is mww (My Wondrous World) or 108557. The name "Oni" was quickly chosen for it's historic Japanese references to a creature of the same name and to a greater degree, because of its ability to be something hidden while existing in plain sight. 

After the initial search and discovery process concluded and a build area had been discovered, a decision to commence supply operations as far away from the build site as possible, in an ongoing effort to keep the build area clean and free of oddities. This led to other problems at first, but a long and complex portal system and a sorting/supply system using Ender Chests and a lot of sorting/dispensing switches solved part of the problem,with only a slight hitch when needing to re-adjust for what was needed. Farms were kept to a minimum, as only food, tools and building supplies would be needed. Once these things were established and running, the building process would begin.

This fitted with the "Oni" theme well and gave an extra challenge not encountered before. On November 4th, 2013, the first inception of "Oni" was uploaded to Planet Minecraft. There have been Four updated to this file since then and as each new major section is completed, a new update will be added.

The original idea of a visitor friendly spawn area has been ever expanding and little ideas get added or removed everyday. but the core has remained. Everywhere you explore, whether walking around the outlying area or the build itself, there is something interesting to see or something hidden to the passerby. There are areas to craft, take photos, explore or even add a touch of yourself here and there. There are also hidden passages, mines, transport systems, mazes and other hidden treasures one does not always come across. The most secret surprise to be found are the puzzles. There are three right now and probably more to come. What are these puzzles? They could be anything from the creators real identity, to the coordinates to a secret place. These things will not be given out here, but found on your own.

"Oni" or the "Oni Project" will continue to expand and grow over time as Dwarvin Mines and Kingdom are added, the Crafting area is completed and all those piles of Ideas are put to the world. I do hope you enjoy this shared journey. 

Original Entry:

is a single safe spawn area, close to a natural tripple spire and natural bowl valley, with all of the important amenities available and close on hand for every adventuring need. "Oni" is an ever evolving work in progress that wil continue to grow as time goes on. Built entirely on Hard Survival Mode, every effort has been made to bring this ongoing design to you, without giving up the world secrets, resources nor the basic playablity sometimes lost with such a build. Created for the 1.7 update, the world is compatable with all new updates, but will lose many of it's features with earlier releases. 

I am using this area on a private surver and my own "Lets Play" series, but thought I would share some of it with anyone interested. This is only a partial project, that will be worked on over the next few months. The seed is "mww" or 108557, set at default. Nothing has been modified,although I have eddited the spawn point for server use. Feel free to use this version or any of the comming updates as you like, but always give credit the creator. Enjoy.

There is a Spawn Only download now available: See the link below.

~I have a list of coordinance for some of the more major finds and places of import, for those who don't want to spend the time searching for Villages, Temples, Portals,and such. I will not post them here, but will only supply them upon request.

I am always open to comments, questions and general input, so feel free to hit me with anything.

Additional Notes:

This is the continued evolution download:

upload to come shortly

Uploaded 1.0

Uploaded 1.2
(This wil be the last "Raw" download. All further downloads will contain completed extras and Major expansions)

Uploaded 2.0

Uploaded 3.0

Uploaded 4.0
  • added Community Nether access
  • Finnished "The Pit"
  • Added Dwarven Mine Entrance
  • Added Corridors
  • Cleaned up some old build remains
  • Added Two Large Hallways
  • Added "The Bridge"
  • Added Dwarven Mine/Maze
  • Added fifteen New Projects
Progress75% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Fatality Glitch 09/22/2014 2:24:42 pmSep 22nd, 2014

Added a few more Photo's or the Download areas

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12/28/2017 1:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yossef's Avatar
nice but little scary as a spawn
Fatality Glitch
07/12/2014 12:45 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Nerd
Fatality Glitch's Avatar
Uploaded World Save File to MediaFire
