Published Jul 29th, 2015, 7/29/15 9:20 pm
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- 133 downloads, 0 today

In the realm of Bytania, all seemed peaceful and tranquil upon the rift beautiful coral, exotic fish, and inconceivable structures. Within the palace of Poseidon the god himself sat upon an exquisite throne as he viewed the life filled horizon. As undisturbed as the land could be, a mysterious sound was uttered from the unknown.
A war was brewing between the two previously found 'peaceful' factions on the rift. These two factions had one goal in mind, and that was to possess the infinite wealth guarded by Poseidon within the palace. Opposing sides withheld a vast array of fierce, never before seen creatures from the depths. Relentlessly each faction fought without mercy. The wonderful land was turned to rubble as the fighting reaped havoc on the environment. The palace itself was no longer standing.
There was no clear winner in the end, however more important questions reigned over the land. What will be made of this destruction? Who will rebuild the land? How could something so barren and structure-less ever compete against the countless other creations?
This project was completed by the Byte build team and a small handful builders who were generous enough to lend a hand. Everyone who participated in this small project had a great time doing it. Unfortunately this build was brought to us during a busy period of time so we decided to only complete a small portion of our plans. Nonetheless we are extremely proud of this creation and we believe it properly shows a brief example of the Bytes structural potential. This build was produced without a large influence of competition, so we are more than comfortable with how it turned out.
If you enjoy this build, I welcome you to subscribe to this account for new uploads that will come in the near future. The Byte is open to discussing requests in private message.
For updates and pictures of the Byte networks progress, please check out our Twitter:
Jam40e : Builder and Project Manager
Timo : Builder
Kol : Builder :
Quarty : Builder :
Rob : Builder and Uploader
Credit | The Byte |
Progress | 100% complete |
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