Minecraft Maps / Complex

Prison Server map

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jarel's Avatar jarel
Level 56 : Grandmaster Caveman
Prison server Map. Created by Jarel
Liscence: CC BY
cells, mines, canteen, workroom, market, blackmarket, secret passages, punishment pit, plots quarters.
Golden lines announcing PVP/safe zones.

The specific prison server plugins listed below are only ilustrative.
So maybe there are better pluggins at the date.

Plugins needed to set up the prison CraftBukkit/Spigot server:

General plugins:
* WorldGuard: to define regions with different permissions
* Simpleregion market: to rent the black market stalls and the personal cells INNER space.
* Quickshop: to make chest shops

Specific Prison plugins:
*PrisonMine: To create the reseting mines. Allows personalized messages and info signs.
*SimpleJail: to send offenders catch by the guards to the punishment pit.
*Jailworker: an interesting alternative where the prisioner has to break a certain number of blocks that will spawn inside the jail to gain his liberty. (Right now the project is abandoned)
*PrisonGuard: On duty features for the guards class.
*WorldGuard TreeFarm Flag / TreeAssist: Create a tree farm on a protected region where players will be only allowed to destroy logs and leaves. Autoreplacement of logs on dirt/grass with sappling.
*SuperWheat: Autoreplants crops.

Other recommended Plugins:
* PermissionsEx
* Essentials
* Vault

List of regions and WorldGuard flags to be set in each one:
Note: All the accesible prison area will be defined by regions, so by default all the areas are protected against build.

A. general PVP zone.
# This will be the main region defining the whole prison area. The other regions will be subregions of this one. So there will be no gaps not covered by a state in all the game area.
pvp: allow
use: allow
fire-spread: deny
mob-spawning: deny
creeper-explosion: deny
lava-fire: deny
tnt: deny
entry: allow
enderman-grief: deny
entity-item-frame-destroy: deny
entity-painting-destroy: deny
blocked-cmds: [/spawn, /sethome, /tpa, /warp, /home, /tpaccept, /homebed,
# lets allow to make /spawn with a countdown only from the PVP zones

B. General not PVP zone
#That includes the spawn, and all the rooms behind the golden lines.
pvp: deny
blocked-cmds: [/spawn, /sethome, /tpa, /warp, /home, /tpaccept, /homebed,

C. Underground dungeon public cells
# Upper space 2x2 over the wood beds, without touching the walls.
#This cells are little spaces on pvp zone where players can shut themselves and put their own furnace o crafting table.
pvp: allow
build: allow
blocked-cmds: [/spawn, /sethome, /tpa, /warp, /home, /tpaccept, /homebed,

D. Mines
# This is set with the PrisonMine plugin.

E. Personal cells & market stalls
# Can be rented. The inner space (without touching the walls) is defined as B, general not PVP zone, and then rented with a sign with the pluggin Simpleregion market.

F. Wheat farm
# General not PVP zone with the SuperWheat plugins. Maybe would be necessary to define a subregion of 1 blocks height over the ground with build permissions to be able to harvest the wheat.
Progress100% complete

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07/03/2018 4:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
kevinunderhill345's Avatar
ok thanks
04/22/2018 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
kevinunderhill345's Avatar
what is the servers name
06/04/2018 3:14 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Caveman
jarel's Avatar
It's not a server but a map.
09/04/2017 2:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
HomelessArtist's Avatar
May we use this on our servers soon to be setup prison world? our server is being setup to handel a lot of players.
10/02/2017 9:36 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Caveman
jarel's Avatar
Of course you can. Sorry for not answering before but I haven't seen the account messages till today.
02/21/2016 2:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WalidVilla's Avatar
Hello, i'm gonna use this map on my server, u allowed me?
02/29/2016 7:03 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Caveman
jarel's Avatar
09/15/2015 12:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cedu1's Avatar
hello I wonder if you could use your building on a server
11/05/2015 7:13 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Caveman
jarel's Avatar
Of course you can.
02/13/2015 8:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jacobt101gold's Avatar
Hey Im gonna use this map on my small server. That good with u?
