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Bedrock Edition
Level 5 : Apprentice System
This is a map that I made with a friend, Rex_2point0. The idea for this map was originally his, (although a PVP map isn't that much of an original idea). However, I modified a lot past what he did. It is a PVP map that will keep count of how many times each person has died. In spawn, there are many buttons. The one that says equipment will give you all the equipment you need. The one that says enchantments will enchant everything with all the enchantments it needs, no matter the item. There are also timers. When you press the button for each timer (there are 6 in total, ranging from 5 to 30 minutes) it will start a redstone clock that at the end of it will teleport everyone to spawn so you can see who won. This will prevent games going for a long time. However, if you don't want to do that, you don't have to. You can just keep playing, the timed game is completely optional. Now there is also a button to reset the death counter. that will set the death counter to 0 to start a new game.

A couple notes, both mob spawning and the day light cycle are on. This is to make everything more fun and interesting. Also, immediate respawn is on, and keep inventory is off. If you want the death counter to work, you need to keep these that way
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