Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

RmanCraft - Medieval City and towns Server Project

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Level 28 : Expert Architect
RmanCraft is a project based server where we build medieval themed creations. People who inspire us are Madnes64 (Kargeth), JamziboyMinecraft and FyreUK.

Projects: Old Memwick [Abandoned], Memwick, Nordic Cave Village, Valley Pass Village.

You are free to come on and view our work via the IP: (1.7.2)

Full credit is given to all who have been involved with RmanCraft! Notably mattykingsam (for this city Memwick) and jbuzkill2 (for large builds, Valley Pass and more!)

Note: - We will not be distributing any world files as we would like to keep our work on the server, additionally the files are incredibly large.

Interested in building on RmanCraft?
RmanCraft isn't a survival/freebuild, this is a Project/Build server, at the moment we are looking for highly skilled builders, to build you have to send in an application showcasing samples of your work, this can be sent to:


Please include your age, location and IGN, and more importantly the work itself, we strongly suggest sending in multiple screenshots or videos, servers. Preferably not world files but if that is all you have then please do not hesitate to send it. Note: Please use if possible default textures, on the server we use default when building and sometimes DokuCraft to admire ;)

We are looking for builders who have a different style, which is unique and of outstanding quality. Due to the fact that we have plenty of medieval themed stuff already, an entry with that style will have to be exceptional but we are looking for individuals who specialize in Nordic, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and so forth, as long it is in the medieval genre we are interested! Highly Fantasy builds are accepted too as long as they are medieval themed.

Additional Notes

Since this is currently not hosted via a hosting company it could be offline at times, apologies for this.

Please have a look at our YouTube channel where we plan to upload videos including updates, tours, tutorials and so forth. It is www.youtube.com/RmanCraft, here is one of our videos showcasing an early video of the city of Memwick:
My personal channel is www.youtube.com/RmanMedia where I might post some videos!

Additional Credit:
Progress45% complete

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by Rman_Media 08/13/2014 6:26:34 pmAug 13th, 2014

A new Oriental style town has been started, pics have been posted.

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08/13/2014 7:21 pm
Level 20 : Expert Ranger
Hey i have a medieval house posted on my page and it would be cool to see it on this server! Im serching around your server as we speak and see some really nice ideas!
01/29/2013 5:05 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
Holy hell that's awesome!
01/31/2013 2:43 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Thank you
01/20/2013 11:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Scribe
what i find hilarious is that my username is RmanX9000 XD
01/31/2013 2:43 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
01/31/2013 7:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Scribe
01/12/2013 7:16 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
The tower of a castle in development has been completed - feel free to join the server and look around at the recent buildings :D
08/22/2012 1:17 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
very amazing builds deserves more diamonds I have few suggestions as I red you guys can't support a server decrease slots get less ram and forget about the website for some time if you want donations you need people to be able to play etc so get permissions and factions or something and you guys might be getting donations! GL!
08/22/2012 1:20 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
lol never mind I didn't read that you guys hosted it thought that's the way you'll probably want to start getting more popular
07/17/2012 12:34 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
