Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

RMS Titanic (Java Edition)

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GrowlingLucario7's Avatar GrowlingLucario7
Level 40 : Master Miner
The RMS Titanic in Minecraft, recreated faithfully with the most up to date research available.
Built by GrowlingLucario and Andrew Kroll (interior) with a team consisting of SsNomadic24, DoctorDoggo7629, Saberius Prime, and Scales55. With the Consultant Thomas Andrews Jr. (GavinKrom)
Additional Help by: Atrositize, M0ntecrizto, Commie Lingo owl, Savy, OpieDopey, and Decifix

Renders of map: TLO
In Game screenshots of map; Skittles, and Andrew Kroll

The Java edition of this map for now is not receiving any updates thus is partly abandoned in terms of building. This may change in the future depending on what happens.
CreditGrowlingLucario, Andrew Kroll, SsNomadic24, DoctorDoggo7629, Saberius Prime, Scales55, Atrositize, M0ntecrizto, Commie Lingo owl, Savy, OpieDopey, Decifix
Progress100% complete

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04/01/2022 8:07 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Chikn_Nuggetss's Avatar
Does it work for 1.18.2?
08/11/2021 10:02 am
Level 23 : Expert Waffle
ShipBuilder100's Avatar
pretty! you are very good at building ships, but you missed the central propeller, it should have 4 blades
09/23/2021 6:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Miner
GrowlingLucario7's Avatar
Actually, there's evidence Titanic had 3 blades on it's central propeller, Olympic had one fitted after Titanic sank and one was planned for Britannic, but they must've had an issue with the 3 bladed propeller so they switched back to 4 blades on Olympic and finished Britannic with a 4 blade.
03/16/2021 2:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
K_T_V's Avatar
dose it come with the ss nomadic
07/23/2021 1:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Miner
GrowlingLucario7's Avatar
No, sadly. It was originally going to, and traffic, but they were scrapped.
03/12/2021 2:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
Acenos's Avatar
Did you get the propellers right? Because there's evidence that Titanic had a three bladed central propellor, not four bladed like her other sisters. Also, the bosses of the propellors were painted antifouling red. traces of it can be found on the stern wreck
04/03/2021 5:24 pm
Level 40 : Master Miner
GrowlingLucario7's Avatar
Yes, it has the three bladed central propeller.
