Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Road Paving Machine

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Captain_JEK's Avatar Captain_JEK
Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is a construction machine used to lay asphalt on the ground and flatten it.
Hot asphalt delivered by a dump truck is put in the front of the machine, were two movable walls form a funnel. The asphalt is drawn over a conveyor belt into the machine, were it is heated and ejected at the back. An auger spreads the asphalt over the whole width of the vehicle and a pile of asphalt forms between the ejection chute and the screed.
The screed, attached to both sides of the paver, then flattens the asphalt with built in pistons and its own weight.

There are some pavers with wheels and some with treads. This one has treads for maximum traction.


Build tutorial by Virtilise:

Progress100% complete

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