Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

SCP Site-19 (modded map) Forge 1.12.2

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WolfvioStreams's Avatar WolfvioStreams
Level 27 : Expert Mage
Site-19, Located in (REDACTED), is the largest Foundation site in America. Home to dozens of Anomalies, This is the most secure site built by the foundation...

Site-19 comes with 39 SCP's in 5 different zones
2 On the surface
4 in the Entrance Zone
16 in Light Containment
9 in Heavy Containment
and 10 in Keter Containment

The map contains:
2 cafeterias
a scientific department room
a security department room
a infirmary
maintenance tunnels
storage rooms
Class-D cell blocks
Class-D orientation room
MTF armory
A watch tower.
Gate A

Made by WolfvioStreams [url=/account/manage/projects/item/new/My twitch]www.twitch.tv/wolfviostreams.[/url]
Discord: WolfvioStreams#0001

IMPORTANT! These are instructions for your map experience to run as smoothly as possible.
Chunks set to 8.
Clouds turned off.
at least 5 gigs of ram allocated to 1.12.2 forge (go to more options while editing the installation and were it says -Xmx2G set the 2 to 5 and click save).
Have Forge 1.12.2.

Once you have all these set your ready to play!
Progress85% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 (The Cave Update) : by WolfvioStreams 07/22/2020 2:09:24 pmJul 22nd, 2020

-Added Cave area to Maintenance tunnels.
-Added Walkway to SCP-087.
-Made new SCP-682 Containment zone.
-Fixed existing issues with map
-Added ROOMBAS!!!
-Added new room to science department.
-Added Optifine and other small mods

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07/20/2020 5:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chapeau's Avatar
I things I don't have the surface update because I have the 106-U and not the original , how I can't find the new update ?
07/20/2020 4:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chapeau's Avatar
Hey !

your map is very cool but I can't see with the camera because its yours , you can change that in the next update please ^^
07/20/2020 4:56 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
WolfvioStreams's Avatar
Hello Chapeau! I already know about that and there is sadly nothing I can do to change that. in the new update (The Surface Update) I removed all the cameras and asked that you set them up however you like (For role play and whatnot). Thanks for the feedback!
07/20/2020 5:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chapeau's Avatar
yes , I things you can with the whitelist module but thanks for aswering me ^^
07/18/2020 6:24 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
WolfvioStreams's Avatar
My first update for the map is now out and available to try for yourselves.
07/17/2020 7:21 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
WolfvioStreams's Avatar
Made a video for you all who want a look at the map before downloading it!
07/17/2020 6:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
WolfvioStreams's Avatar
Please give feedback here and I will take it into consideration! This is my first ever map so please understand if it is not as detailed as most big maps!
07/17/2020 6:28 pm
She/Her • Level 32 : Artisan Fox Fox
Pixus's Avatar
I haven't really tried it out, but for your first ever map, this is pretty promising. I'll likely try it out and give some more in-depth feedback, but I'm not a big SCP fan so I'm not terribly familiar with it.
07/17/2020 6:35 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
WolfvioStreams's Avatar
Thanks! Ik it says it is 100 percent complete but ill bring it down a bit cause there is probably some bugs that I have not found yet. Ill put my discord in the description. (im also making a video atm for the map). I hope I don't disappoint!
