Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Sevastopol space station

  • 17,082 views, 11 today
  • 2,447 downloads, 0 today
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Gravity_Master's Avatar Gravity_Master
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
This is my space station :)pie_chart

I hope you like en enjoy my minecraft map.

It was 200 hours of work! :)
The map is recently updated to the newest minecraft update 1.20.6
You can also play the map on the 1.20.6 update.

And thanks for the 2.200 downloads!!!
And thanks for the 15.500 views!!!

I placed almost every block myself. Sometimes i use a fill command.
But the average amount of blocks that i have placed building this map is 436.546 blocks.

Many images are outdated the stations much bigger than what you think.
Its also great for roll playing!

Also this is my own interpretation of the Sevastopol space station just so you know:)

You are free to use my map on servers and in YouTube video's. I only ask for credit thats all:)

This map will always be updated: more rooms! more exploration! bigger space station!!alarm_on

If you have any suggestions to add to the space station
you can always leave you're ideas in the comments:)

Also if you discover random holes that i forgot to patch up don't let it distract you i will fix it eventually

Render distance unlimited And clouds off

12 Floors 10 sectors 101 corridors 199 rooms

https://www.mediafire.com/file/ngobqbt13s58bgr/Sevastopol+space+station+by+Gravity_Master+v20+bedrock.zip/file Bedrock download update 1.9

Progress100% complete

21 Update Logs

Update v2.1 : by Gravity_Master 05/14/2024 4:09:26 pmMay 14th

added Water treatment control room
added Big luxurious restaurant
added Luxurious theater
massive Exterior update

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xeno234242 5
06/24/2024 5:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xeno234242 5's Avatar
hey can I still play this on 1.20.1 or not?
06/02/2024 2:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5054658G's Avatar
Hello, I love the station, I want to make a sort of survival experiment in it but I need to activate the spawn of monsters, how do I do it ?
06/05/2024 8:52 am
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Gravity_Master's Avatar
/gamerule domobspawning true

This command will help:)
05/20/2024 8:55 pm
He/Him • Level 25 : Expert Robot Architect
DoomStryker's Avatar
I absolutely LOVE your station!!!! It does stray away from Alien Isolation but you put your twist which is very creative! It still retains that feel of Alien while making the map still feel like Gravity_Master!

I really love this map! One of the few ones I go back to!
05/22/2024 3:11 am
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Gravity_Master's Avatar
01/05/2024 7:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
JurassicKaiju14's Avatar
Gave this map a try today and I'm blown away by the scale and just how much is packed into it. Going outside in spectator mode sort of kills the illusion of it being a large fully-built station, but by now means detracts from just how awesome a build this is. Going through the inside there's a real sense of vast scale going on, and I'll freely admit to getting lost a bunch of times even with spectator mode. Well done so far. :)

One question I have: in this video that uses the map, someone disables power to the entire station. Which room is that and where is it?

Never mind, I found it.
01/17/2024 7:03 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Gravity_Master's Avatar
And wow! im amazed someone made a video with my map:D
03/26/2024 1:12 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
JurassicKaiju14's Avatar
Btw, is there any way to activate the backup power generators?
05/13/2024 7:17 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Gravity_Master's Avatar
Sorry for the late response! its has currently no function. its morea way to explain why some systems are on trough out the station :D
01/17/2024 7:01 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Gravity_Master's Avatar
Thankyou very much!!! I appreciate your compliment so much. that helps motivate me to continue working on it!!
