Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Shipwreck Island, 1.16.1+ Suvival friendly, Vanilla, Custom map, 5kx5k

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Naxiey's Avatar Naxiey
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Hey guys!

Its been a couple of months since my last post but I have been working on something big!

This is a 5kx5k island with custom caves, terrain, trees and ruins, all made by me.

I have designed this map with survival in mind, the goal was to make a new world to explore and be able to do it in suvival (tho in the future there may be some creative mode projects done on it) it has all the resources you need!

There is a shipwreck next to spawn that you arrived on the island on, unfortunately due to a storm you were forced to crash into the island, Now with no way off the island and the limited supplies you can gather from off the ship you must find a way to survive maybe even thrive on this new island!

I have a plan to make a youtube series on this map showing what I do to survive here and exploring the island in survival mode! If it becomes popular enough perhaps even turn it into a server map to allow people to play along with me!

I would greatly appreciate feedback as this lets me know what people really love/hate about the island!

If you want to get in touch with me, you can do so via Discord or on youtube!

https://discord.gg/eJxnwk (A channel i am in the process of setting up)

Naxey#6538 (My Discord tag)

A link to my youtube channel!
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

The end portal! : by Naxiey 08/28/2020 11:05:37 amAug 28th, 2020

Hey guys! Its finally here, i have made the castle for the end portal!

Check out the video upload to get a sneakpeak!

If you wanna see me play on this map follow me on youtube!

This update has added

*A custom stronghold with end portal inside*

*A couple of minor map tweeks*

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08/31/2020 4:04 am
Level 46 : Master Architect
Lil-puppy23's Avatar
Whoah! That video is amazing! I see there is some lore to the map, too! Neat! Still following this map's development closely!
08/31/2020 7:59 am
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Naxiey's Avatar
Thanks ^^ it's slowly coming along! glad your enjoying it!
08/21/2020 9:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KwerkyCraft's Avatar
This looks amazing! I can't wait to use this for a survival world. I want to wait for another update or two so that I can get a fuller experience but reading about it and looking at the images has me really hyped. Keep up the great work!
08/21/2020 11:32 am
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Naxiey's Avatar
Thanks for the comment ^^ been working on the end portal "Stronghold" its going to be a fun one to explore tho it may take me 2-3 weeks to finish it i think because i want it to be a really good adventure experiance
08/08/2020 3:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ItsMeMiner's Avatar
Is this 1.12.2 Friendly?
08/08/2020 3:28 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Naxiey's Avatar
at the moment its only 1.16+ friendly, having said that i could probably do a copy thats friendly to 1.12 i would just need to remove a couple of the shipwrecks and things from it as they have blocks that are only useable in 1.14 and than i loaded it in 1.16 to create a few edits to the spawn point

(thinking about it i probably should have done it in a different version)

But if you really want a 1.12 version contact me on discord and we can talk about it
08/06/2020 11:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheRealDevil's Avatar
Animas do spawn right? I am not sure if i have seen any
08/06/2020 11:29 am
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Naxiey's Avatar
So because the world is made in world painter animals are quite rare but they do spawn I would advise using the compass and following that if i remember right there are usually animals that spawn near where that leads
08/01/2020 7:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheRealDevil's Avatar
I love the map! really awsome and good looking.

hope the map will get bigger and with waterfalls or something :) stay awsome
07/30/2020 7:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
willyandme's Avatar
me and my friends are playing this
world for a survival lets play, me and my friends have noticed some things that you have not included such as a way to get to the end, and a way to get sponges. some other suggestions my friends have are randomly generated dungeons of some kind, and more chests with loot probably near the other ship wreck ruins other than that we are having a lot of fun on this map I haven't had this much fun on a survival map in years truly a 10/10 map
