Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[Adv.] [1.7+] Sky Islands (v2.1)

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Minecave's Avatar Minecave
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider

Sky Islands
Welcome to Sky Islands! First of all: This isn't a SkyBlock map or anything. It's something completely different: Its a very difficult survival map that mixes tricky puzzles, parkour stages and mob combat!
There are 20 sky islands, connected with jump'n'run stages, but you aren't allowed to enter the parkour part to the next island before you finished all 3 quests on the island! These quests include finding things, crafting things, fighting mobs, puzzles and jumps.

You can't break blocks until you found a tool allowing it. On your journey, you will find all kinds of food, weapons, armor and more things so you are able to survive until the end!

-Many hours of playing time!
-Over 20 Islands to do more than 60 tricky quests on!
-Many secret things to loot!
-Pretty difficult gameplay! (Only for advanced players!)
-Gamerules are set! (e.g. no inventory loss and no creeper destruction)

-Much more!

This map doesn't need any mods (but recommends Optifine) and everything you need is written down on the map, for example the rules you have to follow. You need Minecraft Version 1.7.2 or higher for it to work properly. (Works for 1.8)

It was released 2013-03-06 and got and still getting updates over and over.

I'm happy about every comment! Please report any bugs or mistakes and post every suggestion you have to improve the map! Helpful support or a letsplay you post in the comments, will make you get credited!)

And...have fun! :D

DO NOT upload my map ANYWHERE else. If you see my map uploaded anywhere else, please report it to me.
DO NOT share the mediafire link! If you want to share this map, share the link to the THIS site!
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

Additional Notes

Special Thanks to:
-Skipper587 for testing the map and supporting it!
-People who are doing a letsplay/video on it!
-Everyone leaving comments/criticism or supporting the project in any other way
-Of course everyone that gives the map a download ;)

Questions on Difficulty, Multiplayer and Letsplaying
How hard is it?
Very hard. It starts easy, but gets hard soon. Not just hard jumps, also VERY tricky puzzles where you need more than standard minecraft knowledge.

Can i play with my friend(s)?
It is multiplayer compatible, but it might get difficult at some parts. However, you can.

Can i do a lets play or other video about this map?
Yes, of course you can. But if you do so, please post a link in your video description and give credit. And if you want, a youtube link into the comments here :)

What you can do to help me
-Leaving comments and constructive criticsm (most important!)
-Noticing me about grammatical mistakes
-Doing videos on it
-Giving this project a diamond (only if you liked it!)
Progress100% complete

29 Update Logs

Update 2.1 (The Mask Update) : by Minecave 08/31/2014 1:28:34 pmAug 31st, 2014

-Added 21 masks
-> Masks are hidden extremely hard...searching them will be a pain! Be happy if you find one in your playthrough
-Removed the secret book! I did a challenge where you had to find a book. Someone has won and I will build in his victory room soon.
-Minor fixes (Grammar fixes etc)

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02/08/2015 11:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Spinniet's Avatar
I have sownloaded this but I am not sure how to convert it to a file to place in my saves folder. Please help D:
02/14/2015 9:57 am
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
Minecave's Avatar
You need Winrar to open the .zip file you get by downloading, and the file in there is the save file to put in your saves folder :)
11/28/2014 3:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Stormfront12's Avatar
The only problem that i've had with the map is that any time I'm suppsed to kill specific mobs for special drops they aren't anywhere on the island and I can only find spawners for other mobs. To get past this I have to cheat. I have been on hard for the entire map (no peaceful).
11/29/2014 8:31 am
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
Minecave's Avatar
Okay, i thought everywhere where you got to kill mobs, i built a spawner for the specific mob. Hmm...Could you tell me what island(s) had that problem? Maybe the spawners are broken :/
11/29/2014 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Stormfront12's Avatar
I can't find any zombies to get zombie hearts from on one of the first ones then getting poison arrows on the water one (thinking off the top of my head right now) and just generally most that require you to kill a mob. There are working creeper, spider, pigmen, magma cube, and endermen spawners, but that's about it. 

Ps: Besides this issue with the mobs it's a very fun map :)
12/10/2014 2:06 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
Minecave's Avatar
That's wierd. I just checked with newest Minecraft version and it works. Maybe you can check what mob is turning inside the spawner? If there are pigs, the spawners are broken. If there are the specific mobs, but they just dont spawn, then... do you have any mods? If yes, maybe a mod broke the spawners. Or is there any other thing that broke the map (Maybe it didnt load properly once so the map couldnt stop properly)? Maybe it works if you get a new map copy out of the zip (or redownload)

The thing is I edited the mob spawners, so they have colored names etc., but it normally works. I will try helping you, but I'm not an expert at these things like Minecraft bugs :/
Apart from that, sorry for the late response and thanks :)
10/31/2014 6:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Terminator_08's Avatar
May i please record and post im new and want to start a channel but i could not find the right map. i think now i can start if i have permission...... i will leave a link if i post the video thanks
11/21/2014 8:38 am
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
Minecave's Avatar
Sure you can :)
Just be sure to link this thread in your video description ^^
Sorry for my late answer, just didn't have time to check the thread for a longer time :(
01/11/2014 7:26 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
minergirl11's Avatar
How do i download it??
01/15/2014 9:02 am
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
Minecave's Avatar
Press the yellow bar ,,Minecraft World Save" at the right. ^^
