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00040000404004040404040400001500404-----------you have lost control-----00404040150040404004404040044
You have no memory of how you got to Rosswood Park, but you do know that something is following you. You can't see it, but you know it's there. Find the weakness to the Operator and defeat this evil before it spreads to more people. Don't let it in. DON'T LET IT IN! CAN YOU SEE IT?!
This map has taken elements from all the Slender games and put into an awesome Minecraft horror experience. If you are into horror and adventure maps, try it out.
Map Rules:
Download the Rosswood-Pack
No mods and follow rules that are signs when you spawn in the map.
DIAMOND if you think it deserves such, SUBSCRIBE for news of new adventure maps and FAVORITE so you don't forget where it is. COMMENT too so I can learn from my mistakes and become better. Thank you!
Length of construction: Half month
Special thanks to evenprules for allowing me permission to use his texture pack for this map. This map has also been sent to Markiplier (A YouTuber) and potentially will turn into a Let's Play.
UPDATE* I have emailed Markiplier several times, but it probably gets lost in the sea of messages he gets each day, so please. Recommend this map to him through his gmail or YouTube!!!
You have no memory of how you got to Rosswood Park, but you do know that something is following you. You can't see it, but you know it's there. Find the weakness to the Operator and defeat this evil before it spreads to more people. Don't let it in. DON'T LET IT IN! CAN YOU SEE IT?!
This map has taken elements from all the Slender games and put into an awesome Minecraft horror experience. If you are into horror and adventure maps, try it out.
Map Rules:
Download the Rosswood-Pack
No mods and follow rules that are signs when you spawn in the map.
DIAMOND if you think it deserves such, SUBSCRIBE for news of new adventure maps and FAVORITE so you don't forget where it is. COMMENT too so I can learn from my mistakes and become better. Thank you!
Length of construction: Half month
Additional Notes
Special thanks to evenprules for allowing me permission to use his texture pack for this map. This map has also been sent to Markiplier (A YouTuber) and potentially will turn into a Let's Play.
UPDATE* I have emailed Markiplier several times, but it probably gets lost in the sea of messages he gets each day, so please. Recommend this map to him through his gmail or YouTube!!!
Credit | Evenprules for the texture pack |
Progress | 100% complete |
Tags |
4 Update Logs
Sequel Update : by Roost3rMAN75 06/27/2013 9:06:01 pmJun 27th, 2013
The sequel to this adventure map will be called Slender: No Escape.
It will utilize version 1.6 updates and will be released at the end of July.
Expect great things!
It will utilize version 1.6 updates and will be released at the end of July.
Expect great things!
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fuzionxgamerzzx: www.youtube.com/user/Fuzionxgamerzzx/
so stay tuned.