Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Small Modern House #1

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LGSkully__'s Avatar LGSkully__
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
This is my very first submission on planet minecraft as well as one of my first houses. It's very rudimentary and pretty bad but I'm still learning and practicing. If you have any tips or things to say feedback is much appreciated and needed so I can improve.

Texture pack: Flow HD
Shader: Sildurs vibrant shaders medium
Progress100% complete

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11/13/2018 4:15 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
Leonarbre's Avatar
hey nice house but a little small :p if you want inspiration you can try to copy/get inspiration by architect modern house from Pinterest
11/14/2018 1:26 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
LGSkully__'s Avatar
Thanks for the reply ! I'm glad you think it's nice. Getting inspiration sounds great, I think I'll try to do that more until I'm good enough to come up with my very own originial builds.
