Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Smoking Chimney - 3 easy commands

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ChrisselZockt's Avatar ChrisselZockt
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
[size=12pt]You 've always wanted a realistic chimney ?[/size]
[size=12pt]No Cobwebs as Smoke?[/size]

[u][b]Then simply use these commands:[/b][/u]

[i][code]/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ redstone_block[/code] [/i] ⇒the first commandblock on top
[i]/setblock ~ ~1 ~ stone[/i] ⇒two blocks underneath the second commandblock
Activate the Clock with a Redstoneblock

[i]/particle largesmoke ~ ~ ~ 0 7 0 0.001 0 force [/i] ⇒ place it next to the Redstoneblock & smoke should appear.
You just have to adjust the Height

The video is in german, but you should understand the mechanic pretty easily :D

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08/29/2019 8:12 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
vortexfzs's Avatar
Easy and works great! I used it in 1.12 a couple of times. I just tried it in 1.14.4 and you need a different particle to create the smoke, because largesmoke no longer excists:

/particle minecraft:campfire_signal_smoke ~ ~ ~ 0 7 0 0.001 0 force

Also you now only need one command block and put in on repeat and always active.
The BlazeKing
11/03/2015 7:44 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
The BlazeKing's Avatar
