Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Star Wars: Exegol

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Level 49 : Master Explorer
Today I'm bringing you all one of my best maps. It's also the first I created. I'm going to explain you what do you have to do once you are inside the map. It's very simple. You will appear in a room, which will inform you a bit. Then, press the teleport button, get out of the ship and there it is, you will be seeing the whole Exegol. You can explore the Final Order fleet (400 Xyston Class Star Destroyers), or directly get in the Sith Temple. You have to press a pressure plate and jump into the temple. You will slowly fall simulating the force elevator.

Once you are there you can explore the rest. (If you want to go up again, there is a pressure plate in the center of the elevator. This time, it will give you levitation, simulating again the force elevator)

In the final room, where the Sith throne is, just at the entrance there is a lever, and if you push it, the emperor will throw hundreds of lightenings, simulating the force lightening of the movie.

This map took me like 2 months, so please, appreciate the hard work I put in it)

Created by: Sr_Mustard (me)

Version: 1.16.2 (I reccomend you to use Optifine, there is more than a million blocks!!!!!)

Gamemode: Creative (If you can't set that gamemode, open the world in LAN and activate the tricks, easy, right?)

Enjoy it!
Progress100% complete

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