Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

StCatherine Neighborhood 20 Houses! | ECS

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Darrkee's Avatar Darrkee
Level 40 : Master Engineer
Welcome to the StCatherine Sub-Development Neighborhood of the Esterlon Community Server! Stcatherine is a small community containing roughly 20 houses! It is very high quality with around 300k-450k priced Houses! I do own a house here in StCatherine! Matter of Fact I am the only house that was setup for Christmas already! The developer of this project is known as mitchthecat who has made many of the designs for the houses that you have seen. I do not take credit for any of the Exterior's but many of the interior floorplans, and some fully furnished houses are mine! Make sure to Diamond, Favorite, Comment, and Subscribe!

Additonal Credit
The owner and maker of this sub-development is known as mitchthecat!
The roads that you see of this neighborhood were done by MancoMtz!
MancoMtz PMC---- http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/mancomtz/

My Links
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dark_eclipse016
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/darkeclipse016

Progress100% complete

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09/23/2017 9:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheBossCarlton's Avatar
download plz
11/15/2015 9:14 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
AnythingNotSteve's Avatar
make a download PLEASEEEE!!!!!!! I really want this build but be able to use it with mods and things and ill tottaly check out the server
11/15/2015 10:57 pm
Level 40 : Master Engineer
Darrkee's Avatar
This build is actually located on a server. You can come join this server with the ip. Once you get there do /htt stcatherine

12/05/2015 9:00 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
AnythingNotSteve's Avatar
It get that there is a server but can you please make a world save or a schematic at least?
12/06/2015 7:33 pm
Level 40 : Master Engineer
Darrkee's Avatar
It is against the rules on the server to download the world, and I am not the builder of these houses, my friend wanted me to post them sense he does not have a pmc (As stated in the decscription) I would have to build all this by hand to make a schematic of it, and I dont have time to build all of that. To build all of that would be insane, due to the terrain, landscaping, exterior, interior, and to go back and forth from single player world to server to copy that whole area, is just not going to happen. You can feel free to do that depending on how bad you want it, but I think me and you both can say that is insane to do that!
12/07/2015 6:19 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
AnythingNotSteve's Avatar
That is prety insane and I guess it  is agenst the rules and I did not realise you didn't build this. I'm so sorry for wasting your time. Thank you tho.
11/11/2015 10:32 am
Level 21 : Expert Pokémon
ThePickaxePikachu's Avatar
Y u no have download?
11/11/2015 12:04 pm
Level 40 : Master Engineer
Darrkee's Avatar
This build is actually located on a server. You can come join this server with the ip. Once you get there do /htt stcatherine

