Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Steampunk Shroomworld

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Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
After about 5 years of building I have decided to publish my work on this platform.
I recommend using default texture pack for this world.
What to expect?

You are about to experience a Steampunk creation with focus on detail.
All buildings are accessible, some even via minecart.

You are free to use my creation in your minecraft worlds / videos etc. as long as you give me credit for my work.

I might add more information later on.

Have fun!

The DetailDevil

Credit goes to Lemonfox and lentebriesje (trees)
CreditLemonfox (trees), Lentebriesje (trees)
Progress100% complete

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04/21/2019 2:06 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Bunny
Good! we need a comback of the steampunk style, i need my fix :)
