Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Stormcraftia City

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Debearly1990's Avatar Debearly1990
Level 25 : Expert Taco
Helper's Mossy_monkey Robodog94 and Hermenn thanks guy's for the help but i need more helpers if you like the pics for this and want to help contact me in the comments you will have to prove yourself to help on this project by building a nice medieval building thanks for reading this Signed Debearly
Progress10% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Debearly1990 12/20/2011 4:15:42 pmDec 20th, 2011

well to every one that reads these stormcraft is down and starting to look like its not coming back up so i guess im not gonna be able to finish and of my undone projects sorry :(

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01/08/2012 5:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kamalkraft101's Avatar
ok thanks Deb XD
01/07/2012 8:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kamalkraft101's Avatar
Hey, Nicee Man- KK101
01/08/2012 1:23 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
Debearly1990's Avatar
thanks KK the servers down at the moment but we are working on getting it back online
12/09/2011 4:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Bubbly_Love's Avatar
This looks amazing!!!! I would love to help but im afraid i am new to minecraft and that i am not good enough to be much help.... but if you allow new people into the server i would love to join!!!
12/09/2011 11:02 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
Debearly1990's Avatar
always willing to let new people in there is no whitelist for this server see Hermenn's page for info on how to join
12/05/2011 10:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Taco
fostythesnowman's Avatar
Wow. This is amazing!
12/06/2011 12:04 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
Debearly1990's Avatar
Thanks man!
12/04/2011 6:32 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
Debearly1990's Avatar
Walls are 90% done Been building on the castle keep in the city its coming along great i think anyways some more houses have been put in place and a new shop ill make a new project for the keep to add pics so you all can see it
12/04/2011 2:56 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
robodog94's Avatar
hi im one of the admins of stormcraft and believe me this is NOTHING. the city is huge and really decorative. it has lots of details and it is going to be one of he biggest cities in minecraft (hopefully).
there is so much! you cant even BEGIN to describe it! it is so far, no doubt, the best city on the server! (way better than my crappy town...lol) i hope to see you guys on the server! i can help you with most things like clearing land and usin some of the plugins or just protecting your buildings. the server is currently 1.8.1 but will update as soon as bukkit does (you can downgrade with MCnostalgia... its what i did) i might be able to supply you guys with a world download of the server (if i do i will update it daily). i hope to see you soon! this server will n doubt change your entire minecraft experience! se you soon!

-server admin robodog94
12/04/2011 6:42 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
Debearly1990's Avatar
thanks robo :)
