Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Stranger's Nest [Medieval town]

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RC Architecture's Avatar RC Architecture
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Hello, PlanetMinecraft!

This is our First project, which was created in a 2 days on Ravand's creative server (which is awesome, check this out)
This project is absolutely 100% handbuilt (no editors were used) medieval town in some random mountains (yep).
It's recommended to... No, it's Required to use Ravand's Conquest texture pack with this map. In other case you will miss a lot of necessary textures, like chains, ropes, wood, stones and blah blah blah... a lot of textures, yes.

if you can't download this project, but you really like to check it out, you can find this on Ravand's server. The plot's location is (35; -16).

Feel free to like, subscribe, put this project in your favourites and so.
Also, if you use this project, we'd be very happy if you inform us about it. 

We couldn't upload schematic file directly to PMC, so we used Dropbox.  Sorry for this :C
And of course, thanks for checking us out!
CreditBuilders: ITDarkPain, Freevil
Progress100% complete

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RC Architecture
08/22/2014 9:05 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
RC Architecture's Avatar
Thanks to everyone for your support! You're awesome, guys!

More projects coming soon!
08/22/2014 5:40 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Zamboa7's Avatar
I play on Revand Creative too as an architect! Awesome build!
08/22/2014 1:38 am
Level 46 : Master Bunny
randomjunglecreeper's Avatar
First off, nice to see other people on ravand :) My IGN is JungleCreeper, whats yours? Also, monsterfish made the texture pack, not ravand. And people can tp to your plot on ravand using /p h:1 followed by your IGN. Also, they can access newer plots by you by just replacing the 1 with other numbers.
08/22/2014 1:01 am
Level 20 : Expert Artist
JeremyScout's Avatar
thats still nice! <3 A Diamond for You^^
08/21/2014 2:39 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blob
Fudds's Avatar
Looks awesome! I love the atmospher! Diamond, Fave and a new Sub :D
RC Architecture
08/21/2014 4:08 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
RC Architecture's Avatar
Thank you C:
08/21/2014 1:14 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Warrior
jackjo115's Avatar
sick i like it but the links for the shaders could be a bit better
RC Architecture
08/21/2014 1:15 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
RC Architecture's Avatar
Oops, sorry, gonna fix it
08/21/2014 1:14 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Warrior
jackjo115's Avatar
could you send me the download link for both shaders
08/21/2014 1:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Warrior
jackjo115's Avatar
i will subscribe
