Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Summoning: Rashomon

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Fuinjutsu's Avatar Fuinjutsu
Level 19 : Journeyman Warrior
Hello! This is my first project. This is a quick overview of "Summoning: Rashomon" from the Naruto wikipedia site!

Shut tightly, this menacing gate when summoned provides a tremendous defence for its summoner and is able to completely intercept an opponent's physical attack. In the anime, this gate also possesses offensive capabilities, with launchers installed in the roof-tiles, which fires a great swarm of blades via a chain mechanism, and the launchers can rotate in angle. However, launching too many of them near is base will cripple its foundation and the gate will collapse.

Summoning: Rashomon Minecraft Map
CreditShakecraft Naruto, Yushiin, Taetro
Progress100% complete

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03/07/2019 8:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ff3nton's Avatar
how to download?????????
