Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

adventure dungeon (playable,single/2player)

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Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
This dungeon is fully redstone powered, so it doesn't require any mods.
If you disable explosive damage to the world it is fully reset able.
It's a solo or 2 player dungeon with some secret rooms.
built by: jostylzzz

texture pack used on screenshot is:ovo's rustic.

there are 7 secret room can u find them all?

if you encounter any bugs or things that don't work properly please let us now so we can try to fix it.
if you like it let us know so we might make another one.

added end loot ;p

i am currently working on a new project (dessert themed) , it would help a lot if you guys commented on things you liked and didn't like in this project. screen shots --> www.planetminecraft.com/project/survival-dungeon-ii/

hope you enjoy!

Additional Notes

tactics on end boss:
first kill ghast then the blazes and then kill of the remaining zombies
Progress100% complete

14 Update Logs

Update #14 : by jostylzzz 09/04/2012 8:47:02 amSep 4th, 2012

building is going to start in 3 day's

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11/08/2012 1:01 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Really nice job! subscribed! keep uploading! you are a really good builder!
08/28/2012 3:21 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
Why is it like in creative and at the end of the map?
08/28/2012 4:03 pm
Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
oh did something wrong with last update i guess ill put the old one again up again untl it is fixed
08/28/2012 4:06 pm
Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
old one up again
08/29/2012 4:03 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
Oops sorry, did i just say this was in creative? My mistake!
I downloaded alot of adventure maps in a row and i couldn't remember well from what post it was, anyway the download was perfect! Someone else just did it wrong...
Also, The map is absolutely magnificent, one of the best i played in years!
The redstone is simply fantastic and the layout fits the theme of the map.
I look forward to new adventure maps from you,

08/28/2012 10:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
looks so cool but it is a .rar file and i need zips :'(
08/28/2012 12:57 pm
Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
thx, you could of course always download winrar so you won't have that problem in the future ;p
08/30/2012 9:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yeah lol i already did to check it out. looked good dude
08/27/2012 6:31 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Explorer
Wow, this map was very detailed! The redstone wiring, traps and triggers were all very well done! I must also say that the battles were fun as well, slashing zombie's heads off one by one! The final battle had my blood pumpin'... all of it was so awesome! The only thing that was dissapointing was the end. Couldn't you have had a room filled with goodies instead of a sign that just said "Gratzz" seriously, that was not cool.

Anyway, I give this map a 4.5/5 rating! As I said, everything was built so nicely, the redstone wiring was very dynamic, and the battles were just plain epic! I hope to see more maps like this from you in the future! Also, diamond and sub for you!

08/28/2012 9:48 am
Level 24 : Expert Dolphin
thx for taking your time to write us a little review. i'm glad u like it and i added some goodies at the end ;p
