Minecraft Maps / Other

Survival Island (MultiPlayer)

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Branko ProCrafter's Avatar Branko ProCrafter
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Challanges :
1. Make your own house!
2. Make iron armor and items
3. Find secret pig spawner for the food!
4. Make infinite lake of water!
5. Get 1280 cobblestone
6. Survive 15 days without anything to explode or you die!
7. Make 3 Wool and from them bed
8. You make this one
9. You make this one
10. You make this one
Rules :
Play on Normal , easy or hard difficulity
Do not use toomanyitems ,cheats or hacks!
Progress100% complete

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01/12/2013 12:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tawind1's Avatar
Errr, I cant get it to work, can you explain?
10/18/2012 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
connor3333344's Avatar
i would like to dl it
Branko ProCrafter
10/19/2012 6:06 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Branko ProCrafter's Avatar
ehm.. click the download button, or take this shortcut:
07/16/2012 1:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
connor3333344's Avatar
it will not download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Branko ProCrafter
07/17/2012 2:18 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Branko ProCrafter's Avatar
How O.o
Everyone can download it .
06/24/2012 9:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
urgxdejager's Avatar
im having a little trouble just getting the map to go to multiplayer can anyone help?
Branko ProCrafter
06/24/2012 9:37 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Branko ProCrafter's Avatar
you need to download the Server :) Classic one ...
03/27/2012 2:52 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
MaxorJR's Avatar
how to put it on multiplayer
Branko ProCrafter
03/28/2012 3:53 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Branko ProCrafter's Avatar
U need to download from this site server :
http://www.minecraft.net/download theres minecraft download and multiplayer server download [The server is made for cracked and premium]
Then when it's downloaded make a folder , name him like u want to [Simple: MinecraftServer]
Then put the java file into the folder and open it , when its done , click button ' X ' and delete the world file . Then goto server.properties and change it like u want to , or just leave it , but you must type ' false ' at Online Mode , because the server won't work . When ur done with delete'ing the world folder , then rename this map to : world and copy it to the folder , and then just run it ! If u will spawn somewhere else turn your self into OP , how to do it ? really easy just goto console and type this [without [] :D] op [ur name on minecraft] and your OP ! Then type : gamemode (in the game) (ur name in the game again) 1 for creative mode and find the island , if u can't find it , just use command /spawn :D if it won't work just delete the world and do it again , but this way ! Then when ur done with that again , YOU only connect to server and you will spawn on the island and then type /setspawn if it won't work Nevermind it ! Then when ur on the island , and your friend(s) can join now . If they won't be on island use this ! /tp (ur minecraft name) (his(her) minecraft name). Then use /deop (minecraft name of urs) (if ur on it still :D) and play it without CHEATING or HACKING :DDDDD ENJOY and if u will record type on this POST COMMENT the video url so i can watch :S :D
03/29/2012 10:36 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
MaxorJR's Avatar
Po polsku prosze ;)
