Published Dec 11th, 2015, 12/11/15 8:41 pm
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- 75 downloads, 0 today

Every satelite.
Every bone.
Every stone will be used by them.
Ever growning in intelligence and technilogy due to humanity's failed attempts to colonize the Red planet,
the deady insects who inhabit it hold their own against the machines and man.
Hatching from meteors in nearby orbit and chewing through the hard red stone of Mars, the insects build their nests
up with every human failure.
The salvage.
The advancements.
The Swarm will come.
Built on the goCreative Private Server
Render by Necrosys
Credit | Necrosys |
Progress | 100% complete |
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some Off! would be much needed up there, eh? xD
(this is what happens when I leave random tabs open)