Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Project Tamriel [Minecraft World] [58,000 x 50,000]

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CascadianX's Avatar CascadianX
Level 44 : Master Architect
                   It is our goal to recreate all the provinces of Tamriel in split up individual downloads for all to be apart of. Perhaps we might user our massive database to host one of the most amazing online Minecraft experiences, 'The Miner Scrolls: Online'. The Miner Scrolls will have custom plugins, item drops, advanced detailed resourcepacks and much more! We would love to hear back from the community on this idea. Please comment below.

          This project is still in development and is going to take a lot of time to create, we find our worth in it, because you guys keep us going forward. We have some of the most experienced minecrafters on the job helping us our around the clock to provide the code, map creation and ideal conditions for the most immersive player experience.

 Tamriel, Dawn's Beauty in the language of the Aldmeris, Taazokaan in the Dragon tongue. Tamriel is one of the several continents located on Nirn. Tamriel is located on the planet of Nirn, which is the mortal realm. it opposes the immortal realms of Aetherius and Oblivion. Tamriel is made up of many provinces. Black Marsh, Cyrodill, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, Summerset Isles and Valenwood.

          Tamriel consists of nine provinces, each of these provinces corresponds with their own culture and race, with the exception of High Rock, which houses two distinct species:
 High Rock is inhabited by Bretons, who are Men with Elven blood; and Orsimer, or Orcs, which is Aldmeri for 'Pariah Folk': They are Elves that look so different than High Elves they are often mistaken as kin to goblins and/or trolls. Orsimer live in the city of Orsinium.

Hammerfell, inhabited by the Redguards (native to Yokuda), enterprising expansionists from the west. Though they are men, they do not share the same blood as the other human races. Hammerfell once housed a significant Dwemer population. It was later Orcish territory until the landing of the Yokudan in their Ra'gada, or "Warrior Wave." It is from this wave that the Redguards take their name, and their swift, easy conquest of Hammerfell that earned them their reputation as the best soldiers upon Nirn.

Skyrim is inhabited by the Nords, and before the beginning of the First Era, the Snow Elves. Nords are the only remaining direct and unchanged descendants of the original human Atmoran settlers from across the now frozen Sea of Ghosts by the Fourth Era.

Morrowind, inhabited by Dunmer, or Dark Elves, meaning 'accursed folk' in Aldmeris (Due to Azura's curse after the events at the Battle of Red Mountain). This region once also housed a large Dwemer population. All that remains of them are their ruins.

Black Marsh, inhabited by Argonians, lizard people, who are commonly looked down upon as beastfolk. For this reason, the Argonians were formerly a popular slave race.

Elsweyr, inhabited by the Khajiit, cat folk, also commonly looked down upon as savages and thieves. The Khajiit were also common slaves to the Telvanni. The Khajiit are a strong people who are good at sword combat and also the best thieves and assassins in Tamriel due to their balance and quiet paws.

Valenwood, inhabited by Wood Elves, or Bosmer in the Elven, meaning 'tree-sap folk', the Bosmer of Valenwood are known for being short but due to this they are very agile and can sneak, hunt, gather, and use a bow at very good accuracy being the best archers and rangers in Tamriel.

Summerset Isles, inhabited by Altmer, or High Elves. The Altmer are very powerful with magic and are considered to be the best mages within Tamriel. They have breathtaking culture and often refer to themselves as superior for a variety of reasons.

Cyrodiil, the Imperial province, inhabited by the Imperials, or Cyrodiils, a common human race who form the foundational population of the Empire, although the ruling Septim dynasty was thought to be of at least some Nordic blood (which might explain their long history as conquerors and warrior-kings). The Line of Septim is also known to have some Dunmeri ancestry.

Black Marsh - This huge and mostly uncharted region of densely vegetated wetlands is at the southeastern tip of Tamriel. Argonians thrive in the foreboding swamps and thick brush, thanks to their amphibious underwater breathing abilities and very high resistance to disease.

Cyrodiil - This province lies in the center of Tamriel and is the home of the human Imperials. Cyrodiil is mostly an expanse of forest and mountains. At its heart is the Nibenay Valley, a vast plain enclosed by equatorial rain forests. Many rivers flow through this area, and as one ventures further south, the land slowly becomes increasingly sub-tropical. For most of the Elder Scrolls games, it is the seat of the Empire. Cyrodiil is referred to as the Heartlands and is the setting for the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Elsweyr - Divided across arid badlands to the North and a more populous sub-tropical zone in the South, this region marks the southern coast of Tamriel. Elsweyr is home to the Khajiit.

Hammerfell - Lying in west Tamriel, this province is dominated by the Alik'r Desert. Hammerfell is home to the Redguard human race. The northern region of Hammerfell is part of the setting for the game The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

High Rock - Home to the human Bretons and Orcs, this province is divided into multiple Breton city-states and minor kingdoms. It is a temperate coastal region in northwestern Tamriel. The southern region of High Rock is part of the setting for the game The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

Morrowind - The province in the northeast corner of Tamriel and home to the Dunmer (Dark Elves). It consists of a continental mainland and a large island in the center called Vvardenfell, separated by an inlet from the Sea of Ghosts, The Inner Sea. Vvardenfell is the setting for the game, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. There is also an island to the north west of Morrowind called Solstheim, which is the setting for both Morrowind's add-on, The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon and Skyrim's third add-on, The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.

Skyrim - This northern, snow-covered, and mountainous region is home to the Nord human race and Falmer meri race (Snow Elves). Skyrim contains some of the tallest mountains in all of Tamriel, most notably the Throat of the World. Skyrim is less urbanized than Cyrodiil, but the 5 largest cities do have sizable population, with the other 4 cities being more like towns. Skyrim is the setting for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Summerset Isles - This province is located in the Eltheric Ocean, with the Abecean Sea separating the islands from the mainland Tamriel continent. It is composed of three islands, one large western main island and one smaller named Auridon with another unknown location likely immediately south of Valenwood and east of Auridon. These islands are home to the Altmer (High Elves).

Valenwood - The province in the south-western region of Tamriel. This province is largely uninhabited forest wilderness. The coasts are dominated by mangrove swamps and tropical rain forests, while heavy rainfalls nurture the temperate inland rain forests. Valenwood is home to the Bosmer (Wood Elves).

Although Tamriel is the most well-known and important place in the world, it isn't the only one. Far to the north of Tamriel lies Atmora, from which the Atmorans came to conquer Tamriel. Atmora, in the Elvish language, means 'Elder Wood'.
To the west of Tamriel lies the sunken continent of Yokuda, from which the people that are now called the Redguards came to take over Hammerfell, in the year 808 of the First Era. The people who became the modern-day Redguards came to Tamriel because the island was completely destroyed, but the cause of it is still being debated.

To the east of Tamriel lies the continent of Akavir, which means "Dragon Land". Akavir is home to four major groups: Kamal, Tsaesci, Tang Mo, and Ka Po' Tun. It was once home to the Akaviri, a race of Man and, most notably, the Dragons, but the Tsaesci drove the Dragons and Men to extinction, and it is unknown what happened to the Akaviri. Before the Akaviri became extinct, they had launched multiple invasions on Tamriel in the past.[1] Although a line of Tsaesci did rule Tamriel for some time, it was replaced by the Septim Dynasty of rulers; all other invasions have failed.

Below Summerset Isles, just to the south of Tamriel, lies Pyandonea, the tropical home of the Maormer or Tropical Elves.

The Coral Kingdoms of Thras, an archipelago southwest of Tamriel, is the homeland of the sload, a conservative amphibious sluglike race. The Thrassian Plague devastated Tamriel around 1E 2200, after which a united Tamrielic navy ravaged and sank Thras into the sea. It has since recovered.

Our current progress on the provinces.

Skyrim: 79%
Black Marsh: 4%
Cyrodill: 0%
Elsweyr: 0%
Hammerfell: 0%
High Rock: 0%
Morrowind: 0%
Summerset Isles: 0%
Valenwood: 0%

If you would like to be apart of our community and have access to our downloads, servers and more for this project. Please visit www.retroarkgames.com/ and register an account!
Progress65% complete

28 Update Logs

Update #28 : by CascadianX 12/08/2015 1:52:36 amDec 8th, 2015

Yes, we are still working on this. I know everyone is super eager to download it, but it just isn't ready, completed and etc.

I also have to figure out an efficent way of allowing others to download this massive amount of data without butchering bandwidth. Not rich. Wish I was.

Thanks for understand and supporting our project.

- 10% progression.
- In-game comparisons and editing going on atm.

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02/07/2020 12:03 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
_thedoctor_'s Avatar
RIP map progress
08/31/2019 3:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HellHam's Avatar
Is there anywhere I can download the current version of the map?
01/15/2019 12:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ehsancool3's Avatar
RIP, I really needed a map of this size...

if you need a reason to build: I am rn making a server, we need a map this large (it's a fantasy kingdom server)
we would actually be very happy if you would join our build team...

06/04/2018 3:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Desertstag's Avatar
Dead project. Sorry.
07/18/2018 3:30 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
CascadianX's Avatar
Sorry m8. I'll probably revive it if there is an interest in it.
04/08/2018 2:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hybrid_Hydra's Avatar
So thrilled someone is taking the effort to do this. Please for the love of all things Elder Scrolls tell me this is still underway?
07/05/2016 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XxDaBoss64xX's Avatar
Wow! This map looks great so far! I can't wait to see the completed version. Keep up the good work!
02/18/2016 5:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
shermanboyFX's Avatar
This looks AWESOME! Cant wait to download it! :D
12/27/2015 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Valynioth's Avatar
Can i use it for the Tamriel Unlimted server?
I'll give full credit.
12/25/2015 11:32 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Ironwolf_666's Avatar
Looks really interesting, I want to see this project finished
