Minecraft Maps / Complex


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s15c's Avatar s15c
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
Well... I've started the progress of the great city of Tenochtitlan. That one that the Aztecs made. I've set up plots and stuff along with the larger of the two pyramids. I'm not going by the plans and how it looked EXACTLY, but I'll consider making it at least closer than how it's set up now. No download because of how incomplete it is, just sort of posting now to see the general reaction.

Some basic info- It's huge- not as big as the real city, but this city will still be HUGE. The square plots you see in the screenshot are 14x14, they'll probably hold 2 or 3 buildings each. The pyramid base is 42x42 (that's not an accident if you get the reference), and it's 19 blocks high.

So leave a comment with some feedback and +1 to get me to work faster (it's a lot more exciting to work on such a huge project like this when you know that people are looking forward to the completed edition).

After I get somewhere around 50% complete I'll put up a download link, but don't expect that for a while.

UPDATE 1/30: I'm not using the update log for this because I don't feel the need to launch it back up to the top of the projects section for no changes to the post. Basically saying I've started work on it again, but between a survival map, a puzzle map, a texture pack, a server to run, and this- it's kind of my lowest priority. It'll get done sooner or later-- but I expect to have AT LEAST another month of not working on it before I get into the groove again. Just for you stalker people who look at what I've made.
Progress15% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by s15c 11/21/2011 11:37:44 amNov 21st, 2011

Added in a very dumpy YouTube video. Woooo.

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12/09/2011 6:59 am
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
s15c's Avatar
Well now I've gone and screwed up. I have no idea where I put the save and lost it in the update to 1.0.0. Hooray for starting a new project! D:
12/07/2011 7:27 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
Joardele's Avatar
Cool, I love the pyramid designs. Keep up the good work!
11/20/2011 8:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
h4xg33k's Avatar
A question: Can I use your currently un-finished map in a presentation coming up for me? I would of course give you the appropriate credit.
11/20/2011 10:20 pm
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
s15c's Avatar
Sure, and look for an update some time early tomorrow morning. I've been working on it over the weekend.
11/21/2011 1:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
h4xg33k's Avatar
Awesome. Thank you so much! You're awesome.
11/19/2011 4:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
h4xg33k's Avatar
This looks really, really interesting and good! Any idea as to when you'll finish it?
11/19/2011 4:18 pm
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
s15c's Avatar
I've got a week off of school right now so I'll be finishing a TON of stuff that I haven't completed.
11/20/2011 3:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
h4xg33k's Avatar
Awesome! Sounds great. I can't wait for you to finish it. :)
11/05/2011 5:21 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
berserkdude's Avatar
You don't have to.Just build some standard buildings as use Mcedit. You'll still have a lot of work though
11/05/2011 5:28 pm
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
s15c's Avatar
I'm doing it all by hand... just part of the fun of it.
