Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Constantinople project (MegaBuild)

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Mr Palm Tree's Avatar Mr Palm Tree
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
This is the Constantinople build that I've been working on. It's based off the city Constantinople, with inspiration from Silkroad (my favorite MMO). It's a project lead by me to create a world for an upcoming roleplay server. When it's done, I might release it, but I may just keep it for the server. We've been building for about a month now, and it's still a major WIP. For an idea of the scale, the courtyard pictured is about a fifth of the city size. Credit for this map goes mostly toward me (Mr_Palm_Tree) with help from Silve (Nalhan) who makes sure the server doesn't explode, and a little help from Saturisk. Anyways, enjoy.

There's a lot more to come, and quite a bit that hasn't been photographed. (Zelda Texture Pack)
More pictures and possibly a video to come.

Server Info

Though you can't build here due to obvious reasons, we're gonna release the IP for you guys to take a look around.
You can visit it here:

Hope you enjoy it.
Progress5% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Mr Palm Tree 07/04/2011 1:53:55 amJul 4th, 2011

The first update of Hopefully many to come, this week was a bit busy but I did manage to get a lot done. I covered about 50% of the top floor in the palace, about 12 new rooms were added, including the King's royal penthouse, 7 guest rooms, another dining room, and much more. This week I also worked on landscaping, I added lights and trimmed trees on the main road. This week I downloaded a mip-mapping mod that works great, It makes screenshots taken from far away look 100% better. Next week I am planning on adding 20 or so townhouses. Anyways, enjoy

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02/11/2012 9:17 am
Level 29 : Expert Archer
truckisevil's Avatar
This look's so cool! I think you should make your own texture pack for it and incorperate the smart move mod somehow, just so we can (like on assassins creed: revelations) climb to the top!
if you need me to, i could help you build the imperial district and if you want, i could (over the ocean) build the underground city featured on assassins creed too. I love big builds and think this is a good creation, as no-one has built it yet!
07/11/2011 10:37 am
Level 45 : Master Droid
PogoPie's Avatar
:O Please upload the save I'll do anything
06/28/2011 12:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Ludolik's Avatar
When that finished , or just now , you can upload the save world or Mcshematic ?
06/26/2011 9:12 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
RobbertE's Avatar
SIGH when seeing this i want to play silkroad, but its so fcked up nowadays with the bots and the slow leveling, i was 60 when i quit T.T
04/19/2011 11:02 pm
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
Stratocaster720's Avatar
Very nice, Very nice.
Mr Palm Tree
04/19/2011 11:14 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Mr Palm Tree's Avatar
I had a banner for that oh yes here it is http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3032926/Screenshots/BannerV2-stopper.jpg
EDIT: replied to the wrong person....
04/19/2011 10:50 pm
Level 47 : Master Wizard
esidebill1's Avatar
Istanbul... to constantinople
04/06/2011 2:09 am
Level 81 : Elite Explorer
Alyxandor's Avatar
Looks like you're using an old version of my texture pack :)
Also bravo on a great build, if you need any help let me know, I love to build large structures!
Mr Palm Tree
04/05/2011 11:46 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Mr Palm Tree's Avatar
It seems as if the people I am buying my server from aren't providing on their end. It is really frusterating
04/02/2011 8:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
dimondmine2's Avatar
bravo when you do release it I'm gonna turn the moat into a mob grinder =D
