Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Greek Apocalypse

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Demster's Avatar Demster
Level 21 : Expert Architect
This world is unusual, I think it recently became a Greek province, but it only reached great development in ancient times, suddenly a volcano rose from the ground, an eruption, an earthquake, a Golem came out of the ground and an ancient mythical harpy woke up from the underworld! But the rebuff was given, God sent a brave Spartan giant, and the Great tower of Greek architects received a magic ball that tries to destroy the Golem from the inside. But the cataclysm does not stop, burning balls fly out of the volcano and lava flows out of its crater, one place where there were many tall columns is filled with lava, and the majestic columns fall, forming a bridge between the village and the city. Such a terrible fate has befallen this area.
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11/30/2020 12:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
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