This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Empire Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The Infernal Prison - Fully playable, Custom Terrain, nether themed SURVIVAL map. [17TH Place!]

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PixelZapGames's Avatar PixelZapGames
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
19th Place! Thanks to everyone who supported me!

Steve opened his eyes, and looked around him. What he saw was beyond his wildest dreams, and his nightmares. He was stranded upon a set of islands with the only inhabitants being the undead and the imprisoned; the floor littered with the burning flesh of men, and surrounded by a sea of endless lava... He didn't know why he was sent here, or who sent him here in the first place. He could not remember.
But as he looked around, a thought even more terrible than the unholy beings around him, than the smell of burnt human remains, than the sight of endless suffering. That thought, was that fact that this time, it wasn't going to be a case of escape...
It would be a case of survival.

Map features:
  • Gigantic nether-mountain, complete with lava flows and soul sand
  • Raid-able castle and guard towers.
  • Over 10 custom items, and over 6 villager shops.
  • A giant sky-skull-serpent demon.
  • 40+ chests.

Recommended for any amount of players.

This is my first attempt at a terraforming project anywhere near this size, the first attempt at a build as anywhere near as detailed as this and my first attempt ever at any sort of mythical giant beast.
I spent the last few weeks making this map with very little help, and I've put a lot of work into it, hopefully you can see that. I used world edit and voxelsniper, I admit, but they by no means made the terrain easy. It was still a humongous task to fly around the island smoothing out the terrain, and adding features such as the lava flows (these were especially time-consuming).

This map is in it's final form. It is unlikely to update again unless I get a lot of demand for an update to happen.
I'm going to be focusing on other projects from now on, if you would like to keep up to date, make sure to subscribe, it will help a lot. Thanks.

  • You will spawn on top of a giant hand. This is normal. You have to work out how to climb down it onto the small island.
  • If you'd like to do a Let's Play of this, or anything of the like, feel free! You don't need to give credit if you absolutely don't want to, but please send me a link, so I can watch you playing me map.
  • Be sure to tell me what you think, even constructive criticism!
CreditMax12496, for helping with some terraforming and encouragement.
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Potential Final Update. : by PixelZapGames 10/07/2013 5:16:33 pmOct 7th, 2013

This added a new starter room, with starter supplies and better explanation of the map's features. Also adds new items, and has a proper(ish) ending.

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04/19/2016 7:03 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
heromode's Avatar
05/10/2015 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LithGaming40's Avatar
its cool but... HOW THE F*CK WE NEAD TO ADD THIS IN THE SERVER NETHER WORLD?! ALL OF U AMAZING BUILDERS MAKE ALL NETHER STUFF IN OVERWORLD AND WE CANT GET THEM IN THE NETHER.  if we use mcedit or world edit they elave air cubes and other stuff and it dosent look natural
02/04/2014 2:41 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
PixelZapGames's Avatar
Just changed the description about as there were loads of spelling mistakes. If there are still any, please tell me so I can fix them! Thanks!
01/14/2014 12:44 am
Level 42 : Master Loremaster
lmN8's Avatar
Diamoned! Great work! Can I use this in a Youtube video, full credit to you with a link back here encouraging more diamonds?
01/14/2014 2:35 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
PixelZapGames's Avatar
Of course! I'd be happy to let anyone use the map in a YouTube video. Can I have a link to it once you're done? :P
01/28/2014 1:27 pm
Level 42 : Master Loremaster
lmN8's Avatar
10/01/2013 1:14 pm
Level 40 : Master Artist
dakota_485's Avatar
This should have gotten more diamonds than it should have. Good job though!! :D
10/02/2013 4:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
PixelZapGames's Avatar
Thanks! :)
09/29/2013 10:01 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
Not Enought Diamonds! :)
09/29/2013 2:55 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
PixelZapGames's Avatar
Thanks! I don't really understand why this got so few compared other entries, I suppose it all comes down to subscribers and pop-reeling.
